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Lv 7
? asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsCancer · 8 years ago

So sad, my sister has stage 3 breast cancer?

My sister has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 3, T3 no mets. Hers is a rare occult type, no identifiable tumor in the breast but 3 lymph nodes removed, all cancerous, over 10cm mass. She has lost the plot. She is saying she won't have any treatment because what's the point, she's going to die anyway. She lives overseas, far from me. I want to go to her, but we've never been close I guess, and she says "don't come, I don't want you here". I want to go and drag her if necessary to treatment. I said I'll shave off all my hair too so she doesn't feel so bad. What should I do? Respect her right to not have treatment, listen to her saying "no, I don't want you here" or go anyway and try and make her see reason (if I can). I think even if she had a 1% chance of living 5 years or more, she should have everything and do everything she can. She has a 9 year old and a 3 year old. Her husband is useless, he's depressed and won't get out of bed. I want to kick him up the ar**. Maybe that's why she doesn't want me over. Her marriage was pretty much stuffed before this, but he won't let her come home (Australia) with the kids. They have to stay in France. What a mess, what an awful situation. I feel so powerless. I feel like "kidnapping" her and the kids and bringing them home so I can look after them all. I'd go to jail if I had to, I'd do that for the sake of her and her kids even though we aren't close. Sigh.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    I was treated for stage 3 breast cancer nearly 9 years ago and have had no evidence of disease for the last 8 years.

    I think she is foolish to refuse treatment but strongly believe the decision is up to the patient and their wishes should be respected.

    I feel sad for her children, my daughter was what kept me going through my treatments.

  • 8 years ago

    My Father had Stage 3 Breast Cancer too...he is now a 18 year survivor...He didn't want treatment either, but my Mother Made Him Go....he would have wasted out on the next 18 years of his life had he decided not to take treatments...."What's the point", the point is her survival..who's to say she is going to die? Did they tell her that? Breast Cancer is very treatable...How sad for her children...I think you should go to her, regardless if she doesn't want you there...

    Source(s): Breast Cancer Survivor
  • 8 years ago

    It could be she's in shock and that she'll change her mind.

    I have Stage IV breast cancer and I'm throwing everything I can at this disease. I'll do anything it takes to give me extra days, weeks, months, years with my family.

  • lala
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Your story is a very sad one ; but i will respect her wishes

    If you go down there ; you can make matters worse

    About the kids ;;;is there someone in France who can care for them ?

  • Chloe
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Just go there. I don't think you would be able to live with yourself if you didn't go to her.

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