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Help with 2 weeks notice letter?

Just quitting my job at a gelato cafe and need a few ideas.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Dear Fred: (or whatever his name is):

    This is to advise you I am resigning from my position effective Friday, April 27, 2013.

    I have very much appreciated the opportunity to work here, and I will look back on my time here as a very favorable experience in every way. I have benefited from the learning and growing process here, and have formed close personal friendships with many of my co-workers.

    Thank you.



  • TedEx
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    short, direct and to the point.

    Address it to your immediate supervisor,

    Dear Fred, ( or whatever his name is)

    ""I would like to resign from my position with (( name of company) effective ( two weeks from today)

    Thank you for the opportunities you have given me.

    Very truly yours,

    Steve Smith.

    Don't go into detail why. They can always ask you ;later if they want to. and above all, go out with class. Don't badmouth anybody or anything. You are leaving because you found a better job or because you ant to concentrate on school. Not because you don't like it, another employee is giving you a rough time. At this point, what does it matter?

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