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how does "teaching kids how to code" benefit the kids and what ages do you think they should start?

like how simple should it be or would kids understand such ideas? whats the perfect age to teach them how to code or just the basics of coding

would you teach yours how to code? or would like him/her to show interest first?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm in the let kids be kids camp. If you introduce them to concepts that are too difficult too early, you can turn them off. There are some really basic tutorial languages like Logo that kids can use. Or, you can introduce them indirectly with things like website WYSIWYG utilities. You could buy a domain name hosted on and use their HTML app to design a web page.

    These are probably appropriate for middle school aged kids. Real programming should probably wait until high school. The problem is if you introduce real programming too early you can permanently turn off kids who aren't ready for it yet.

  • 8 years ago

    We should try to expose kids at a very young age--say 5th grade, and give help and guidance to people who show interest and aptitude--and then teach it to people who have interest in it as a side project until high school, when there should be an elective class in programming available.

    Not everyone will get it in elementary school--but some of them will. When I was in 6th grade we used "turtle graphics"--which was a very simple and visual way to learn the basics of coding and what happens when you leave out a step or use the wrong syntax. Students who show interest should be given more opportunities and resources so they can try to learn more on their own. A whole 5th grade class should be exposed to programming, but not expected to learn it too deeply. Some of it requires an understanding of logic and math that they won't get until high school, while other students understand logic and processes intuitively and won't need to wait for algebra to get started.

    I'd say that when students are in their high school "keyboarding" classes (or whatever they call learning typing and the basics of word processors today), that it could be an opportunity to expose them to the Macro Recorder. This makes them think about step by step procedures without bogging them down in syntax. I also strongly disagree with teaching "pseudocode". There is no point in learning to program in a fake language--the teacher should choose a language and teach it with syntax. I think there should be an option to take a real programming class in high school, with Algebra or maybe Geometry as a prerequisite, but that it should not be required for any HS degree.

    It may be hard to find teachers for this. My high school was being taught Fortran ten years after you stopped seeing the punch-cards it was designed for. One student and his dad complained, and he was allowed to do an independent study in C+ instead--but the rest of us learned a nearly dead language.

  • 8 years ago

    How does it NOT benefit the kids? Other than that they'll grow up to be nerds and never get laid, I mean. :P

    In the future, understanding computer logic is going to be as important as knowing how to read and write. Furthermore, as manufacturing industries are shifted onto either underdeveloped countries or automation, advanced countries will economically no longer be able to afford to be countries of people without informational skills.

    Even if a child who learns beginner-level computer programming now never gets a job in that field, they will still have a fun, handy, intellectually stimulating hobby that can contribute to information age culture, as well as the philosophical benefits and mental tools that exposure to programming provides. People with careers as diverse as engineering, graphical arts, education, medicine, politics, etc will have better ideas and a better understanding of how digital technology might be leveraged in their own fields.

  • I believe around the fourth grade or fifth grade it should begin, teaching children how to code early will teach them how to spell properly (which is amazing now apparently...) and I think it will allow them to have a more open mind of computers , math and science by letting them know how certain aspects work. For example; Whenever I play a game, I notice "scripts" and "strings" and try to combine it to think what is going to happen next, etc.

    I would have to get a child to get interested in this first by introducing him to a sort of computer game that he will like.

    Warcraft 3 is what I started on, and surprisingly warcraft 3 also had something called "world edit" which allowed me to create my own strings, variables, etc.

    I think if its too early then they'll end up not wanting to do it out of enjoyment or resent it, if its too late then they'll brush it off and complain.

    Children who are around the age of intaking information which is around fifth grade should be introduced to a type of computer game so they can see what makes it work, then from that they'll learn coding slowly by realizing how codes work in games.

    Example of a Warcraft 3 code: IF XXX moves into REGION 01 THEN summon XXX (etc.)

    However it seems like i'm trying to say "GET THE CHILD TO PLAY WARCRAFT 3" i'm more of saying "approach the child with any game and either let him figure the games coding out or try to guide him/her, like introduce him/her with small facts.

    Try by starting what a "script" is , and explain IF THEN AND method's

    Edit: Completely forget "how it will benefit" explanation. In every aspect of things , it can be taken apart pier by piece, reading, science , math, there is nothing that can't be figured out by observing it. In math this will help with Algebra and Geom. (if you study graphic design at least)

    Also, it's pretty cool to tell your friends "Hey I can create my own viruses!" or be the "go to guy" of computers, most of these type usually end up with the good grades after all.

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