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Are the military suicides a clever cover-up?

Over the past year, an astounding number of military service members and veterans have been committing suicide - at the rate of 22 per day. These are inexplicable, with only very few being attributable to known issues such as PTSD. Most are completely mysterious.

Stalin had an official program of imprisoning and executing his dissidents.

Hitler also had an official genocide program, but also killed over 6 million political enemies.

Pot, Tsung, and the list goes on.

Assumingly, Obama is smart enough to realize that an official execution program of potential enemies would never fly with today's public. Could it be that these inexplicable "suicides" in such high numbers is a clever way for Obama to accomplish his necessary barbarism in order to fully transform the country to communism, but without alarming the public to what's really going on?


@titiana: Military, Army Major, two tours to Iraq. I know a LITTLE something about what I'm talking about.

Update 2:

@titiana: this Major with two tours is talking that way. In my unit alone, over the past 7 months, there have been 9 suicides. Several of my peers and superiors are also talking this way. We KNOW the people, and that they would never do this.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Until now, the Food and Drug Administration's attention to the suicide risks of medications has focused on psychiatric drugs, such as antidepressants prescribed to youngsters. But this year, officials unexpectedly broadened their concerns to include a medication for asthma, drugs for controlling seizures and even one for quitting smoking. Those are medical conditions not usually associated with psychiatric disorders.

    He's also sending troops to Africa to battle al Qaeda while funding the rebels in Syria who are also al Qaeda, he's wearing them down because they are one of our last defenses.

  • 8 years ago

    Well, if you do some research on what goes on in America - things don't really make sense and some one behind the curtain works to join a few loose dots to portray a different story - different from the truth.

    Take for instance the 911 thingi - I know its a touching topic to discuss but we all know the truth... then Osama Bin Laden - who he was and who trained him and why he was against America - we know that story too. The NEW WORLD ORDER - we know about that too - some can choose to be ignorant and question/laugh at this but check the American Stonehenge - designed by an NWO guy R.C. Christian (Pseudo Name used) - it talks about 'Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature' - yes - now what you are thinking is true - why would they do this to their own troops?? well, if you don't comply with THEM - YOU are against THEM - this will eventually spread out to all of us. We all know the truth behind the gulf war - Afghanistan and every freaking thing that the administration has been up with.... Its just a cover up...

  • Joey T
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    NO, I believe the suicide to be a combination of PTSD, lack of proper treatment when they return home, and IIRC vaccines they were given before they were sent overseas could be a factor in their mental conditions. Humans were not meant to endure what those soldiers had to go through, what they had to see and do.

    If you think Obama creating an assassination squad capable of secretly executing 22 Americans a day and making them all appear to be suicides with no trace of foul play is a more logical explanation, then I'm not sure what to tell you. I don't think even Glenn Beck or Alex Jones has suggested anything that crazy, and that is saying something.

  • 8 years ago

    Let's see how you react to watching people get vaporized.

    The youth didn't have the wisdom to know that they are being used as pawns in an oil war.

    They were gravely disheartened, plus coming home to no jobs twisted the knife.

    Not having a job makes most people feel insignificant and low.

    5 years wasted on abortion, guns, taxes and almost nothing has been done about jobs.

    I'm tired of the blame game. We have to agree somewhere.

  • You do not know right now how badly I want to curse you out for you to take something like this and turn it into your sick little flaming conspiracy games.

    You obviously know nothing about the military, suicide, how getting a PTSD or TBI diagnosis work.

    ADD: Call BULLSHIT no Major with 2 tours would be talking the way you are.

    Source(s): Military wife, sister, niece.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Hmmmm??? Paranoid much? You think the CiC is assassinating US soldiers and nobody's figured it out but you?

    And suicides have outnumbered casualties ever since we armored the humvees. Americans don't die in war any more, but it really messes up your head and you're not allowed to seek mental health care as a soldier.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Oh puh-leeze! Not *another* conspiracy theory. If the people who dream up this nonsense used 1/10th of the brain power to do so towards things more creative and practical they'd be Rhodes Scholars.

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