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Rock and Pop, another question for you all?

So, feel free to ponder this question and answer later - I'll be leaving it open for a few days so as to draw in as many answers as I can before choosing one.

So, I want to know:

What do you think of the way we, as people, tend to define ourselves(at least partially), by the music we enjoy? This is a phenomenon you see particularly in the teenage years, but I've seen it extend to the mid-twenties, and even the 30s and 40s in some cases.

Why do you think we do this? Does the music we enjoy allow us to feel some kind of kinship with those who share our tastes, people who we might not otherwise spend time with?

For instance, I often see people on here lead an answer, or part of an answer, with "Well, normally I like to listen to X", or "Well, I'm really more a fan of Y than Z, but..."

On top of that, a lot of users choose handles and avatars that represent their favourite bands. We might impersonate our favourite singer or guitarist, or maybe just go with the name "BVBLUVR4EVA".

And then, on top of that, we judge other users based on their usernames or avatars before we even begin to read their response - oftentimes, we'll dismiss a valid argument that disagrees with our own held views if the name or avatar of the person who posed it happens to be something that we dislike or hold in contempt, when we might not do so if the person in question has a more "reasonable" or "neutral" name.

That long-winded question out of the way, I want to try something new, something exciting: I want you to tell me your favourite genre of music, your favourite band.

Then, I want you to think of a song or band you enjoy that is radically different from that genre or band.

Share with me the weirdest, most off-the-wall music you can think of, something you delight in or enjoy.

Let's air out our guilty pleasures, expose ourselves for what we truly are - fans of music.

I'll go first, shall I?

My favourite genre(including all subgenres, because the subgenres of this particular genre can be a headache at the best of times) is metal. I love metal, and the more brutal and heavy, the better. I love Electric Wizard, Acid Bath, Sunn O))), The Melvins, and Celtic Frost in particular.

I also happen to love ska. Not just ska punk, but any and all ska, and raggae and rocksteady, too. Light-hearted, fun, airy, ska is the antithesis of metal.

But the weirdest music I can think of that I enjoy is known as "Outsider music". It's music that just... doesn't fit. Something, or multiple things, are horribly wrong with it, and yet, it makes something beautiful.

So, in the interests of complete openness, I give you: Y. Bhekhirst. - Hot in the Airport - I Run My Car (in all honesty, I don't particularly enjoy this song, but I feel that it has to be included) - Rain in Summer

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think people identifying with music is quite natural. It is a very human thing to want to find their place, wherever that may be. If you love something a lot, you want to apply it to every part of your life. However, many people take it to the extreme, as you pointed out. They feel the need to bash others simply for having a differing opinion than theirs. As a fan of metal, I especially notice this among other metal fans. They seem to think that metal is in some way objectively better than other forms of music. I must admit that not too long ago, I used to think that way as well (I'm only 18 now). But for the most part, I've learned to accept people's preferences more. I tend to distance myself from being a "metalhead" because of all the connotations that term tends to be accompanied by.

    As for my favorite music, like I said, it is metal, and that includes metal of almost all genres (black metal is not my cup of tea though). However, I mostly listen to metal for its artistry, emotion, complexity, and musicality, instead of how heavy it is. That does not mean I don't love properly done heaviness.

    My favorite genre for a long time has been progressive metal, Dream Theater being especially an inspiration to me. I used to call them my favorite band, and maybe that still rings true. I also love melodic death metal, technical death metal, fold metal, metalcore, avant-garde metal, symphonic metal, and many more. Some of my favorite bands are Between the Buried and Me, Killswitch Engage, Edge of Sanity, System of a Down, Periphery, Wintersun, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, The Omega Experiment, Opeth, All That Remains, Children of Bodom. I'm never quite satisfied with how many bands I know.

    As for different and unusual genres, I don't enjoy most hip hop, but some that actually talk about interesting topics (not like Black and Yellow) have impacted me in the past. I have enjoyed some of Eminem's music, as well as this guy called Tupac. Also, much more recently, I have been interested in electronic music, after being vehemently against it for so long. This band that combines metal and electronic industrial has me listening to them for the past few weeks, and I love it. They are called Blood Stain Child.

    Blood Stain Child - Forever Free

    I hope to get into more electronic music like that in the future.

    Also, thanks for the thoughtful question. I was looking at some of your other questions and they all seem to be things that I agree with, or at least are well written. You are a very literate person!

  • 8 years ago

    As the songs of birds in the wild helps them find their feathermates, so does music for humans. It defines our tribe, and goes much deeper than a simple "like". For instance, have you ever known two people to hook up who did *not* share a love of at least some of the same kinds of music?

    Also, it makes sense that those of us who can move more easily between social groups are also more tolerant and accepting of different types of music. That's just a theory. It may be that the reason they have a wide variety of friends may be because they are more accepting of different types of *everything*. But it's an interesting question.

    Those who judge are just that type of personality. Unaccepting of those different from themselves.

  • I'm a fan of music in general. Defining ourselves with just one genre is nonsense if you ask me.

    I listen to a lot of alternative and classic rock. But I do like a lot of foreign music as well. Some people may find that weird but that just goes to show that you don't always have to understand the lyrics of a song to really feel a connection to it. Here's some of my favorite foreign songs. - this song is very catchy. I actually first heard it on a GTA radio station. - This is an extremely popular one. A smash hit from Romania. - This one really strays from what I normally listen to. It has a dubstep feel to it.(which I usually hate) but I love it in this song. - One of my favorites growing up.

  • 8 years ago

    i lissin to metal the more heavy the better like you said i like acid bath five finger death punch aloing with disturbed but i cant pick my fav out of these i like them all dont really have a fav my fav song is porbly stircken by disturbed or 100 wasy to hate by five finger death punch both awesome songs. but as for as the weredist music i lissin to is green day not saying there wereid but most of my friends are like wow you lissin to green day never wouldve guessed it.

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  • Nick
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Ok i do alot of metal..but listen to jazz ..reggae.. ska...blues..alot different..

    Metal to reggae.

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