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Boo-Bottle asked in SportsCycling · 8 years ago

what's the best type of folding bike?

me and my partner are looking to get a folding bike as we dont want a massive normal bike taking space up in the flat. we be using it on and off road. whats the best brand.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There really is no good offroad folding bike, depending what you mean by offroad. For on the road, however, the Strida has my vote. Super comfortable and very eye-catching .

  • 8 years ago

    folding and offroad

    bad combination

    best brands can be very $$$$$$$

    bike friday makes good ones


    the folding method, weight, speed of folding, size folded, etc all vary a lot

    you have to research it more to even see what the issues are

    montague paratrooper was a folding mtb

    heavy though



    may still be around

    fuji made one about 15 years ago

    folding mtb

    modern folders are TERN , most of their stuff seems good

    not sure if they have mtb or not

    you have a basic problem though

    folding bikes aren;t good to begin with really

    and a bike that is good for off road is usually TERRIBle on the road

    yet i bet you won;t be ''offroad'' more than 5% of the time

    so you might want to at least drop that requirement

    it makes the rest too hard

    for no reason really


  • BigE
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    get a bike hoist.

    I ride a folder. Most folders are only secondary bikes. The montague is the only

    real off road folder. Most others are convenience bikes. Any folder is going

    to be a compromise.

    get a bike hoist, and 2 real bikes.

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