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Fellow atheists... does your patience wear thin? Do you "tolerate" and try to help the afflicted?

Or do you just give up and ridicule them? Personally I have tried to reach out to our lost brain washed mentally retarded fellow humans, but after a period of time I realise that those who are infected cannot be reasoned with. Do you continue to try to save them? I feel now that they deserve their fate. To me they are just idiots. It is sad when I see intelligent people believing in historical nonsense. Do you give up and giggle or carry on trying to release their minds?


But I find that religious people will not even entertain the possibilty that they are wrong. The rare few that are open minded enough to consider possiblities are so few and far between. The whole brain washing thing is so strong - believe me I was one of those - brought up that way, as a RC, and I totally can look back and see the brain washing. I truly believed that goodness only came from God.

As for the guy who said I am immature. I can only say ner nicky ner ner nicky nicky ner ner..... you smell of pooh.

Update 2:

Destroy - you are actually a retard because you have no command of the English language. Learn to spell Dickward

Update 3:

Destroy - you are actually a retard because you have no command of the English language. Learn to spell Dickward

Update 4:

Destroy - you are actually a retard because you have no command of the English language. Learn to spell Dickward

Update 5:

cheesus toast. seriously i am actually quite drunk.. and you are a serious grade a pain in the ****. What a load of chessus toast you talk. Nan night. Cheeeeesssuuuuuusssss

Update 6:

cheesus toast. seriously i am actually quite drunk.. and you are a serious grade a pain in the ****. What a load of chessus toast you talk. Nan night. Cheeeeesssuuuuuusssss

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My patience is endless with someone that actually wants to learn, but my patience wears thin with ignorant people that just want to mock science, I have no pity for them and my mockery is often more powerful and they back off.

  • 8 years ago

    Are you serious? You are an atheist... i.e. someone who makes a claim that they cannot support in any way whatsoever, and you are picking holes in people because they think differently to you?

    I am not a theist but I am fully capable of seeing that theism has a logical premise. As long as that premise is not stretched too thin then it has basic logic to it. Atheism on the other hand is born out of pure lack of logic. It is a response to a claim that could not be considered answerable in the first place.

    The atheist argument is so weak that many will resort to attempts of passing the buck to the opposing party with statements such as "the burden of proof is on you..." etc etc. Why? Because they have absolutely nothing to substantiate their claim. Some atheists will even "claim" that a "claim" that there is no God is not a "claim"... That the "belief" that there is no God is not a "belief". That their blind "faith" in their absolute certainty that there is no God is not "faith". YES, I said "blind" faith!

    I am aware that not all atheists are as insular as you... maybe my patience was wearing thin.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Some people are quite reasonable, and it comes down to a simple question.

    You ask them a very simple "yes or no" question: Would you concede that it's possible that you're wrong?

    If they say yes, THEN you can procede. If they say "no" or "yes, but - " and then insert some silly religious justification, there's no point in having the conversation. They're just there to preach at you and talk down to you, not have a conversation. Don't waste your time with people like that.

  • myOp
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    You'll get over this phase after you've been an atheist for some years.

    I don't initiate conversations about religion and haven't discussed this topic with semi-strangers for years. I did it recently and shared my point of view sparsely, and by listening to my friend (Christian, strong belief in God). I do not agree with her interpretation on the topic, but getting into a whole argument doesn't help anyone.

    Believers can't imagine a world without god, while atheists completely remove god from their view. That's why you'll never find a common language between these beliefs. You can't understand them and they can't understand you. You'll never be able to convert people, unless they're already asking their own questions and doubt religion.

    I gave up and I don't giggle, and I don't want to release their minds. I just go about my business. Do you find it annoying when people try to convert you to believe? Of course. You're just as annoying to them.

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  • 8 years ago

    I wish I could help the afflicted. The trouble is that if the afflicted learned that I was not one of them, I would be excluded from the social circle of the afflicted, thus I would not be able to help them.

  • 8 years ago

    I try to keep in mind that mockery won't help. But some people don't want to see actual answers so I feel it's perfectly okay not to give them to such people.

  • 8 years ago

    Would you also consider the man who said, “Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.”, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind”, “Black holes are where God divided by zero”, “God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God", and “God does not play dice with the universe” an idiot?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The world must be pretty lonely when everyone who has different beliefs and views are idiotic, mentally retarded lepars. How do you survive in such a lonely, dark world?

  • 8 years ago

    I am happy the way I am and I'm not hurting anybody. You have your beliefs, I have mine, they have theirs. Let people live how they want.

    Your freedom stops where the freedom of others begins.

    Source(s): And no, I am not a fundamentalist Christian, in fact I hate them probably more then you do.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    People aren't retards just because they disagree with you. You're very immature.

    Name-calling is what children do on a schoolyard, not what intelligent adults do.

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