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A question for Atheist....Have you taken the time?

to think honestly and consider the afterlife? Did you honestly consider the fact that if you were wrong what would you then be able to do? And if so what without a shadow of doubt made you think you are right in the fact there is nothing after death? I know this has been asked but I am hoping there are those who can be open and honest, not bad mouthing anyone, just sharing their journey. (I need talking points for a class)


Captain Jack thanks for answering but the verse you quote from Isaiah is not about temperature. It is about actual light. Literal. The night will be as light as our present day and the light of the day will increase by 7 fold or be as the light of 7 days. It is speaking of the brightness of the light. (God is light) It also is not speaking of heaven it is speaking of Israel.

Update 2:

Anglina Jolie does not declare herself an atheist, Jack N. says he is not an atheist, one you named is agnostic (not the same) you need facts sir!

18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    But which afterlife do I choose? The Christian? The Muslim? The Hindu reincarnation. The spirit world of the Far Eastern religions?

    No believer can provide me with a good reason to believe their version of an afterlife is correct so I sit down and think: They can't all be right. But they can all be wrong.

    So I choose not to believe in any of them until their followers convince me otherwise.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have taken a very long time and a degree in Philosophy of Religion and have come to the conclusion that there is no God, Heaven, Hell, Afterlife and the rest.

    It is all too illogical for my brain to accept. New Test better than old but I still can't accept a virgin birth, walking on water, feeding the 5,000, miracles and cures and culminating in rising from the dead.

    I believe we an animals like any other - we are born, we procreate and we die. The end. Just like cats and dogs and all the other animals.

    That is my honest reason.

    Good luck in class.


    University Lecturer (retired)


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Ah the strawman argument raises its head once again.

    What if the xtians, buddhists, muslims, jews are wrong and its the mormons who actually got it right.

    Are you supposed to cover all bases and worship all the gods past, present and future in a futile attempt to gain access to the afterlife?

    Surely its better to live your life with high morals and then be judged (If there was an afterlife) for the type of person you were not for your fickle belief system.

  • 8 years ago

    First I want to point out that the ONLY point of continuity between two atheists is the lack of belief in a god. That's it.

    Atheists can believe in the following: Afterlife, faeries, ghosts, psionics, magic, unicorns, giant transforming robots, aliens, placebo effects (see also extenze), trolls, goblins, ogres, elves, werewolves, vampires (even the sparkling ones) ectera.

    Atheists can not believe in: Gods and anti-gods, any of them.. Go ahead, just pick one out of the sky (get it?), an atheist does not believe in that one anymore than any other.

    Moving on, you are proposing Pascal's Wager. I assume you are speaking from a Christian point, if not, forgive me most theists that hit me with Pascal's Wager are Christians.

    Let me ask you this . . .

    Isiah 30:26 decribes the temperature of heaven.

    Moreover, the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun shall ve sevenfold as the light of seven days.

    So! Heaven receives from the moon as much radiation as the earth does from the Sun, and in additions seven times seven (49) times as much as the Earth gets from the sun, for a grand total of 50 times.

    Using the Stefan-Boltzmass fourth power law for radiation (H/E)^4 = 50, where E is the absolute temperature of the Earth, 300 Degress Kelvin (273+27). This makes the absolute temperature of heaven equal to 798 Kelvin (525 Celcius/977 Fahrenheit).

    That's pretty damn hot ain't it?

    Moving on.

    Rev 21:8 describes Hell.

    But the fearful and unbeleiving... shall have their part in the lake with burneth with fire and brimstone.

    We know brimstone is sulfur. We also know that a lake of molten brimstone (sulfur) must be at or below its boiling point otherwise is would be a vapor, and not a lake. The boiling point of sulfur is 444.6 celcius/832.28 Fahrenheit.

    So, knowing we have a temp in Heaven of 977F and in Hell of 832F . . . where would you rather be?

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  • 8 years ago

    I am an atheist but I don't believe there is no afterlife without a shadow of doubt. That's not what "atheist" means.

    I just need a good reason to believe in a god or an afterlife. If I don't see a convincing reason, then I am not wrong to be an atheist. It is logical not to believe in something without evidence, EVEN IF IT IS TRUE. Otherwise, you would believe in any crazy crap that sounded good to you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have concluded that most atheists aren't true to themselves but there are some cool ones like this one above.

    I being a theists don't mind people not believing in afterlife as described by religions because there are flaws in many religions and it's genuine to doubt religious material but I don't like people denying the possibility of afterlife, I believe in afterlife but I do accept that I don't have any idea as to how it looks.

  • 8 years ago

    Stories of an afterlife are there to help people with their fear of death. When you die, your brain stops working because it no longer has a blood supply. Then you just rot to nothing (unless you're cremated).

    If I'm wrong and magic is real, so what? I'm living my life without thinking I'll exist forever, I know I won't exist forever, so life is all the more precious to me.

  • 8 years ago

    You're appealing to a fallacious argument called Pascal's Wager. It can be applied to every afterlife or deity ever formulated, and it assumes the deity has a means of eternal reward or punishment and demands worship for the reward.

    You'd have to believe in every single religion if you wanted to save yourself from damnation. The argument does not make sense once that is figured out.

  • 8 years ago

    to think honestly and consider the afterlife?

    - Yes, the scientific/Swedenborgian version.

    Did you honestly consider the fact that if you were wrong what would you then be able to do?

    - If the afterlife is made by any of the deities of any religion on this planet we are all scr*wed.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Life is short in the great scheme of things. I`m not going to waste it worrying about what is going to happen or not after I die. There is nothing I can do about it. I find it strange that so many people are so obsessed with it. People should get on with living and not spend their time fretting about being dead.

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