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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 8 years ago

Muslims, As-salam alaykum, I have accepted Islam?

Throughout my years of being a Christian Missionary and going to countries such as Afghanistan, and Indonesia, I have made many people accept Jesus pbuh as their savior.

I learned many bad things about Islam, I read many books on Islam written by Non Muslims to the point I hated Islam altogether.

I then finally took texual criticism course at Bob Jones University, and eventually learned that the Bible I so believed in is written by Unknown Authors. I had always thought Mark wrote Mark and so on, but this was not the case. Many Christians don't know this and wont accept it, Christians would call people who claim this to be 'skeptics'

I had only ever read the NT because my pastor and other fellow Christians always told me the OT laws no longer applied. I finally read it and became very confused, where is the Trinity here. We can't automatically assume certain verses mean Trinity, because the context itself shows ONE GOD, NOT 3 in 1.

I then read the point where Jesus pbuh said he has come to fulfill the law not abolish it. To me this means he has come to the Jews to bring the law back and make them all follow it. In John 17:4 he says he has fulfilled it and so on wanted to be glorified.

What struck me is Jesus said he has come to fulfill it and not abolish it, where in the world does he say once he fulfills it then it's no longer needed? He never said that. I then asked my pastor why are we ignoring OT laws, he said because Paul told us Jesus said the laws no longer applied. When I asked where in the Bible it says this, it only shows Paul saying it no longer applies, Jesus didn't.

A friend of mine who was studying with me, remember Bob Jones is a Christian University. A friend of mine was also confused with me, here we are being told to just believe and listen to the words of Paul. Why?

My friend I noticed began reading the Quran in our dorm room, I told him don't because of all the bad things I heard.

About 3 months later he became Muslim and I was surprised. On my third year I learned ancient greek and hebrew and some aramaic to read the original texts of the manuscripts we have.

I noticed one thing Christians had problems with is the fact that Muslims consider themselves servants of God, and not the sons and daughters of God. They found the word slave or servant disgusting.

When I was reading John 1:29 in its original text, the word for lamb is actually Servant.

So it should read The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Servant of God who takes away the sin of the world!

It should not be lamb of God, then I realized that Christians even changed the translations of the word deliberately to please people.

I began studying Islam directly from Muslim sources, I then realized how bad these people are for twisting what Islam really stands for. From Jihad, to honor killings, to not understanding what the context of certain verses truly mean, I realized these are uneducated fools with no knowledge of Islam.

After years of hating Islam I finally gave my Shahada yesterday and am finally beginning to learn to perform Salat. Insha Allah people will begin to study Islam from Muslim sources rather than the devils who deliberately misinform people of what it truly stands for.

I just want to know, will I be forgiven for the Muslims who I converted to Christianity or what must I do for forgiveness?

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welcome to Islam , religion of peace,

    What has been done before you reversion, Allah SWA will forgive.

    As for now , you can use same mind and thought s to help others to see the light of Islam.

  • 8 years ago

    Salamon Alaykom,

    Welcome to Islam brother. This is Step 1, Shaytaan will come at you like a ton of bricks now. May Allah (SWT) protect us from the Shaytaans of Man and Jinn.

    I will let others answer this, but i will just point that you have an obligation to do Da'wa like all of us now.

    I have heard other former Christians, even Pastors who mention very very similar Points as you have. Sheikh Yusuf Estes studied conaic Greek and went through some Aramaic. He points out how the original scripts sound a lot closer to the Qur'an than today's NT. He also pointed out some of the mistranslations, whether accidental or deliberate, as you have.

    Hold tight to the rope of Allah (SWT) and thank the Creator for guidance.

    Source(s): Qur'an An-Nasr [110]
  • 8 years ago

    Wa alaykum salam warahmatullah,

    Wow. I actually cried after reading this brother. You are one of the lucky ones. Praise ALLAH for showing you the sttraight path. Now, i will make this simple for you because i know you only wanted to know 1 thing right now. So yes, Allah says in the Quran that every sin is wiped out and forgiven after you accept the truth - Islam. That our Lord is Allah. And Muhammad was His messenger. If you ever need an answer to any more questions, i can guarantee you my life that you will find it in the Quran. Please don't ask any more questions on here as serious as this because a lot of people have different views on certain things and you will get very confused. Either read the Quran translations, or aska very well trusted Islamic Scholar. I really want to welcome you to Islam. Submit yourself to ALLAH and watch your life become so easy :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Salam Brother, you just made me realllllyyyyyyyy happy....Congrats on becoming a Muslim. Insha Allah your sins will be forgiven if God wills because when you become a Muslim, you are a new born....What you can do is contact the people who you have converted, and show them the truth, the truth that you have witnessed. Insha Allah everything will be alright.

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  • 8 years ago

    Answer to your question:


    Allah is the most forgiving. Prophet Muhammad and all the companions 'accepted' Islam and prophet was the first submitter / Muslim among the pagans.

    Adam committed mistakes knowingly but Allah forgave him.

    Details for your information:


    Islam is the only religion acceptable in the sight of Almighty God.Adam,Noah...Abrahim,..Mousa(Moses)..Esa (Jesus ) all were Muslims.

    Muslim means who submits his will to almighty God.

    that is what Jesus said ..

    "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just; because

    I seek not my own will, but the will of the

    Father, which hath sent me". John 14:24

    Any person who says ..I seek not my own will but the will of Almighty God , is called Muslim in Arabic

    And therefore Jesus Christ will not recognize the Christians according to Bible.

    Mathew 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    who claim miracles in Jesus names ?

    to who, Jesus will say .. depart from me, ye that work iniquity. ??

    therefore Islam is the only positive religion which says to respect and love all the Prophets.

    When i ask Christians and Jews ..Who was Abraham ? Was he Christian ?

    or was he Jew ?

    If Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian.Then who was he ?

    Abraham was a Muslim like Adam and Noah.If Abraham was a Muslim ,how could Moses and Jesus be anything else ?

    that is what Quran tells us

    "You people of the book, why dispute you about Abraham, when the Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus),were not revealed till after him?. Have you no understanding? Ah! You are those who fell into disputing (even) in matters of which you had some knowledge. But why dispute you in matters of which you have no knowledge?. It is Allah who knows and you know not. Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian, but he was one true in faith. and bowed his will to Allah's,(which is Islam, submission to the will of God), and he joined no gods with Allah (God)".(chapter Al Imran 3v65-67).

    Prophet Muhammad, is the last and final prophet in Islam but not the first.

    Why is this religion called Islam? For all the religions on earth are called by various names, either the name of a specific man or a specific nation. So Christianity takes its name from Christ; Buddhism takes its name from its founder, the Buddha; the Zoroastrians became well known by this name because their founder and standard-bearer was Zoroaster. Similarly, Judaism took its name from a tribe known as Yehudah (Judah), so it became known as Judaism. And so on. Except for Islam, for it is not attributed to any specific man or to any specific nation, rather its name refers to the meaning of the word Islam. What this name indicates is that the establishment and founding of this religion was not the work of one particular man and that it is not only for one particular nation to the exclusion of all others. Rather its aim is give the attribute implied by the word Islam to all the peoples of the earth. So everyone who acquires this attribute, whether he is from the past or the present, is a Muslim, and everyone who acquires this attribute in the future will also be a Muslim.



    my friend and my brother in Islam , i am adding you. you can ask me any kind of question related to Islam at creativity4humans@yahoo

    Source(s): answering with love from the bottom of my heart
  • Wallaykumasalam

    All sins are forgiven when you convert to Islam. Also, be cautious because Yahoo Answers isn't the best place for asking question about Islam.


    Muslim :: Book 20 : Hadith 4660

    It has been reported on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: God laughs at the two men one of whom kills the other; both of them will enter Paradise. They (the Companions) said: How, Messenger of Allah? He said: One is slain (in the way of Allah) and enters Paradise. Then God forgives the other and guides him to Islam; then he fights in the way of Allah and dies a martyr

    QURAN 8:38 Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven.but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them).

    QURAN 39:53 Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

    ...there was this guy named Amr ibn al-'aas, who was an anti-muslim during the time of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), who plotted against Islam many times, but later when he came to know the true Islam...THIS HAPPENED

    It is narrated by the Companion Amr ibn al-'aas that when he wanted to revert to Islam, he came to the Prophet (PBUH) saying: "give me your hand so we can shake on Islam." He said: "when the Prophet (PBUH) stretched his hand, I pulled mine. He (PBUH) said: "is something wrong, Amr?' I said: 'no, but I wanted to condition.' He (PBUH) said: 'what is your condition?' I said: 'that I will be forgiven.' The he (PBUH) said: 'did not you know that Islam erases everything was before it (i.e. bad deeds, and the good deeds still are counted), and Hajj erases everything before it?'."



  • Slyvia
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Turn to Allah (s.w.t.) in sincere repentence, and dedicate time to making dawah and leading people to the truth of Islam. Allah (s.w.t.) is merciful beyond understanding, and all sins are forgiven at the time of a sincere conversion to Islam.

    This is a beautiful Hadith on the sheer power of the mercy of Allah (s.w.t.):Anas ibn Malik reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, say: Allah, Blessed and Exalted, says, “O son of Adam, however much you call upon Me and place your hopes in Me, I will forgive you without any reservation; O son of Adam, if you have sins piling up to the clouds and then ask My forgiveness, I will forgive you without any reservation; O son of Adam, if you come to me with enough sins to fill the earth, and meet Me without associating anything as a partner with Me, I will come to you with enough forgiveness to fill the earth.”

    It fills my heart with joy to read of your journey to Islam, it reminds me much of my own religious journey. I was never a Christian missionary, but I did used to be a fairly fundemental Christian who would look for ways to lead those around me to accepting Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Like you, it shocked me to learn more about the earier biblical manuscripts and the changes/alterations that had been made to suit Christian doctrine. And finally studying Islam from proper Muslim sources just won over my heart and soul in the most beautiful way possible.

    I hope you find peace and contentment in Islam. I pray Allah (s.w.t.) will make the transition natural and easy for you, and I hope that you will sincerely enjoy all the changes that following Islam will bring to your life.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Aslamulaykum Brother,

    Alhamdullilah you have joined a beautiful religion and you are on the right path.I wish you an easy journey and god will help you throughout Insha'Allah.

  • 8 years ago

    hi,i'm a muslim,i don't know why i felt so much hate for you,you made some muslims to accept "false God" and put them into trouble,but obviously i'm wrong,because at that time you were not muslim,i would say you learn islam and try to preach to people,and if you can go back to those people,just go and revert them to actual true religion,at least preach to others.

    if those people who preach and make convert muslims to other false religions,why don't we preach and get them to believe in true religion:?it's very easy,because we are right.

    welcome to islam by the way

    Source(s): a muslim
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