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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 8 years ago

Good Sci-Fi/Fantasy/High fantasy books for intermediate english reader?

Hi. I'm studying English and I like to read a lot. Then I want some recommendation of sci-fi/Fantasy book for the intermediate English reader. Just to have an idea of my English level, I can read articles, like Wikipedia and blogs about different subjects, and news on the internet. I need a kind of simple English book. I don't need a book with very simple English, but a book with not too complex English! Sorry for the mistakes. If I made some mistake here, please correct me, it is very important to me.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Phase One: Identify (Territory of the Dead)

    From author Rose Wynters, comes a new zombie series set in Pleasant, Louisiana. Can this checkout girl learn how to survive in a world full of zombies?

    Tabitha Alexander is an 18 year old that has just graduated from high school. Working as a checkout girl in the small town of Pleasant, her long-term goals for the future don't go beyond enjoying the upcoming summer and enjoying her freedom.

    Fate has something else in store for her, though.

    One night, right before closing time, her world is turned completely inside out with the first screams and sounds of gunfire that tear through the dark night. Nothing will ever be the same again..... If they even survive.

    This is book one in a new series called, Territory of the Dead. Best suited for ages 16 and over.

    This book tells you how the nightmare began...... Pleasant will never be the same again.

    Word count: 22,190 Novella


    I pulled into the driveway in my little car, but didn't stop there. Instead, I made a sharp turn to the right, pulling right up in the grass in front of the door. Our residential neighborhood was a lot quieter than the main part of town, but I'd still passed zombies on my way here. I wasn't chancing a late-night stroll from the garage.

    The headlights of my car was a dead giveaway to any zombies close by. Quickly, I shut them off and surveyed the area. So far it was quiet, no red eyes glaring at me in the darkness. Turning off the interior light before it could come on, I grabbed my purse and threw the door open.

    As I ran up the steps, the front door opened. Someone had been watching and waiting for me to get home. As soon as my foot hit the top step, my mother grabbed me and pulled me in.

    “Thank God, you're alive,” she said, her voice thick with worry. She pulled me into her arms and hugged me tightly. “We were trying to call you over and over again. When we didn't get an answer, well, we thought the worse. Your dad was about to go out and start searching.”

    I thought of the last place I saw my phone. It was lying underneath the cash register at the store, and there it would remain. It wasn't like I'd be returning for it. Having a cell phone was the least of my worries now. I had no intentions on being separated from my parents again.

    I watched my dad shut and lock the door before turning around to look at us. He was tall and stocky, with graying hair and a round face. He was pleasant looking, with a cheery, boisterous personality to match. So it made this night all the more horrific when I looked down and saw the rifle gripped tightly in his hands.

    The nearly invisible age lines on his face were creased with stress. His face was pale, dreadfully so. I disentangled myself from my mom and walked over to him. “Dad,” I said, my voice sounding as terrified as I felt. I hadn't cried until now, but suddenly I couldn't stop the tears that flooded my eyes and face. “What is happening out there?”

    He released a long sigh, the noise loud in the silence of our home. It was obvious my parents were on their way to bed when all hell broke lose. He was wearing his usual cotton pajamas, but had a robe on. My mom was wearing a long nightgown. It was what she called her granny gown, but she definitely wasn't a grandma. I was their only child, and I didn't have any children. After all, I was only eighteen.

    We heard a loud crash from somewhere close by, and my mom jerked in reaction. It was followed by screams and the sound of gunshot. Dad went into the living room quickly and turned the lamp off, casting the room in shadows.

    Silently, mom and I followed him over to the large picture window that looked out over our front yard. We didn't live in the elite part of town, but we didn't live in the worst part either. Houses here were anywhere from twenty to forty feet apart. I couldn't see anything moving in the darkness, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything out there.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman

    Chronicals of Narnia by CS Lewis

    The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

    Harry Potter by JK Rowling

    These are all geared toward young adults and are not complicated.

    Your question was well written.

    You did not need to say "Then". you would use this word if the request was following a first request (First I would like a recommendation for a book. Then I would like a recommendation for a movie.)

    So it is "... and I like to read a lot. I would like some recommendations..."

    Recommendation is plural because you want more than one, so you add an S to the word. You want "one recommendation" or you want "some recommendations".

    because you want some recommendations, the word Book is also plural. So you want "some recommendations of Sci-Fi/Fantasy books."

    Good luck

  • 8 years ago

    In FANTASY here are some I (Fittings Doc) would recommend:

    "The Hobbit" (1937 / 310 pages) by J. R. R. Tolkien

    At the suggestion of the wizard Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins helps some dwarves steal treasure back from a dragon. The PRECURSOR to "The Lord of the Rings"

    "Legend” (1984) by David Gemmell (The MASTER of Heroic fantasy)

    (first book of the “Drenai Saga”)

    Hell EVERYTHING by David Gemmell is worth reading!!!

    He is a master at character development and readability.

    If you like HEROIC FANTASY, You’ll find you cannot put his books down.

    “Sir Stalwart” (1999) by Dave Duncan

    (first book of the “The King's Daggers” **YA** series)

    "The First Book of Swords" (1983) by Fred Saberhagen

    (first book of the "Books of the Swords" series)

    “The Gilded Chain” (1998) by Dave Duncan

    (first book of the “Tales of the King's Blades” series)

    "Split Infinity" (1980) by Piers Anthony

    (first book of the Apprentice Adept series)

    "The Riddle-Master of Hed" (1976) by Patricia A. McKillip

    (first book of "The Riddle-Master trilogy")

    “The Crystal Shard" (1988) by R.A. Salvatore.

    (the first book of "The Icewind Dale Trilogy")

    “Arrows of the Queen” (1987 / 320 pages) by Mercedes Lackey

    (first book of the “Heralds of Valdemar” series)

    In SCIENCE FICTION, here are some I (Fittings Doc) would recommend:

    "Cross Time Engineer" series - (aka the "Conrad Stargard" series)

    by Leo Frankowski

    which begins with "The Cross Time Engineer" (1993)

    Its even better if you are POLISH as the main character is as well!

    This was an eye opening look at how technology could transform a society, and gave some very good descriptions of simple improvements that lead to our own industrial revolution.

    I guess you can tell I loved these books.

    "On Basilisk Station” (1993 / 448 pages) by David Weber

    (the first book in the "Honor Harrington" series)

    This Space Navy series has FEMALE lead character. Beyond the Technology of the spacecraft and weapons, the story revolves around interpersonal relationships with which you will be able to identify.

    Read FREE online

    “For Love of Mother-Not” (1983 / 256 pages) Alan Dean Foster

    (the first book in the “Humanx” series - featuring Pip and Flinx)

    "Weyr Search" (1967) by Anne McCaffrey

    (the first book in the "Dragonriders of Pern" series)

    (won a Hugo Award for Best Novella)

    This Sci-Fi series is probably the most popular "Dragon" series.

    In it flame breathing dragons team with human riders to burn "thread", an Alien organism that will destroy their world if it falls to the ground.

    "Sten" (1982) by Chris Bunch and Allen Cole

    (the first book of "The Sten Chronicles")

    Sten is orphaned and then recruited into the Eternal Emperor's "Mantis" covert intelligence corps.

    "Hammer's Slammers" (1979) by David Drake

    (the first book of the "Hammer's Slammers" series)

    Source(s): 40 years a Sci-Fi / Fantasy fan Over 800 read and counting!
  • 8 years ago

    Check out Garden's and the Warrior of Heaven. It fits in your criteria perfectly.


    It was sometime in the twenty-first century, when one discovery revolutionized the world further than any ever before it. This was the discovery of a nonlinear power, which lies inside of every living and nonliving organism on the planet. Its discoverers termed it Meteora. With it came the ability to tap into a clean, seemingly unlimited source of energy.

    With further study, it was found that only a few genetically gifted individuals could use this power World War III was fought between these new beings and the United Governments of the world. After fighting to a stalemate, the governments and the beings who had access to this power, now known as Homospiritus, came to an agreement called the Accords.

    Code 23: By law, all children born who are capable of using Meteora will be taken for safety reasons to Gardens to learn to control their powers, and serve the greater good of the commonwealth. Which meant to become a soldier in the army of the new world order. Tenchi was four years old when they came for him. Despite the best efforts by his mother to keep him hidden and safe, he was taken by force to Juneau Gardens, which is the home of the Homospiritus and the new governing order of the former United States of America, now named Juneau.

    Eventually, he is sent on a mission where he encounters terrorists with nuclear arms who have also taken their own dark dive into the use of Meteora, only to corrupt it. Tenchi is given the chance to abandon his mission and continue his own, which has always been to return to his mother. But now he is faced with a choice, to return home or to fight to secure and prevent the misuse of The Sword of Heaven, an ancient weapon of unparalleled power forged of Meteora itself. If not kept in check, The Sword will throw the world into an apocalyptic age from which we may never recover, a fate that will visit both Homospiritus and humankind alike.

    Source(s):, check under the Garden tab for availability
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  • 4 years ago

    Reading the publication instead of seeing the movie is the best way to see what the author expected. Reading uses your creativeness, hones your reading skills, and can increase your vocabulary

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Make Money Writing
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