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Lv 4
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 8 years ago

Tips for an Intelligent Baby?

I have some friends with super smart and advanced toddlers.. and some with kids that are slightly lagging on their development.

What do you believe helped in your child's development?

I've heard no tv, classical music, reading books, and no sugar/healthy diet.

Do you have experience with any of the above or additional tips?


I will not be comparing baby to others, I just want to know how to best encourage her development.

The main reason I thought to ask is because I have a friend that her three-year-old has her own ipad that she is on AT LEAST 4 hours a day and can't go to sleep without playing on her ipad (mostly watching youtube videos) and having a movie in. I don't want to use technology to raise my child.

I love all the great suggestions and experiences!

9 Answers

  • :)
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here are some tips:

    - Breastfeeding for the first 12-24 months, this is proven over and over.

    - Stimulating environment. Lots of bright colours, textures, and sounds - not overwhelming but you don't want a grey room with no stimuli.

    - Interaction. Interact with your baby - talk to him/her (properly), do crafts, play with blocks, do things that get your little ones brain working in a fun way.

    - Healthy eating. Making sure that your toddler/child is eating a healthy diet is also important for brain activity.

    - Exercise. Make exercising in a fun way part of your day. This keeps your kid fit and healthy, plus give him/her time to be stress free and be a kid.

    - Read every night. This helps with later reading skills. We have always read 2 books a night to our kids. It's fun for everyone and make reading fun and easy.

    - Variation. I don't suggest any kind of music, art, or culture. I suggest playing different types of music, talking about them and deciding what he/she likes. By having things a bit more varied your child gets to exercise his/her mind more, plus its more interesting.

    During pregnancy eat healthy, do light exercise, take wild fish oil, and prenatal vitamins.

    ADD: We always made learning fun. I never avoided sugar, although we have always done a healthy diet so it came naturally. She does watch about 60 minutes of T.V every week and is still very smart. She knows that anything she tries her hardest at we will support her, she isn't pressured to be perfect.

  • Lisa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The best way to encourage intelligence is to interact frequently with the toddler. The TV does not provide interaction (even with the "interactive DVDs"). Eating a healthy diet is important, but eating occasional unhealthy food won't kill the child or impact their intelligence.

    Honestly though, genetics play a huge role. Not to mention a lot of toddlers who appear smart or those who lag behind will catch up by the time they enter into school. Best thing is to encourage interaction and foster a love of reading and learning.

    Continue a strong interaction and encourage the kid to do well in school.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your child will develop at the same rate whether you change her diet or whatever.

    It was found that babies who were CONSTANTLY carried on their mothers backs in the fields all day from birth, still walked anywhere from 9-15 months old.

    You can HELP your child's language development by saying correct pronunciation when she says it incorrectly, constantly talking around her even if its to yourself, going on "listening" walks an talking about the sounds around you etc but your baby will still develop at the same rate her genetics say.

    Stop comparing your child to others - it's a tough road for a chil growing up with parents who are always expecting more and more

  • Remy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This country is super obsessed with intelligence and providing infants with proper stimulation. We've sunk billions into researching and developing the best toys. Other cultures don't have nearly this obsession and still produce prodigies and geniuses. The fact is that normal development has a huge time-frame before you can start talking about a delay.

    So cuddle your baby. Talk to him. Let her see you talking to other adults. Ask him questions. Roll a ball on the floor together. Tickle her and blow raspberries on her belly. Sing along to the radio. The kid will turn out fine.

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  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    During pregnancy, eat a healthy diet, avoid alcohol and drugs, and eat some fatty fish.

    After baby is born, breastfeed, talk to your baby and interact with him regularly, avoid tv/video.

    (While a healthy diet is always good once baby is on solids, I'm not aware of any evidence that sugar is a problem -- breastmilk is full of sugar.)

    Of course it also helps if you and/or your partner are smart.

    EDIT: Lala -- of course nobody ever said that all formula fed children are dumb, or all breastfed children are brilliant. But breastmilk DOES result, on avearge, in children who are a few IQ smarter, over populations, than a comparable population of formula fed children.

    So if a mother wants to give her children the best chance fo reaching their personal potential, she should breastfeed.

    (I was formula fed, and my reasoning and research skills are clearly far better than those of many folks here....)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    When shes in her crib and begins to get up position your hand on her chest/stomach gently but firmly style of like a gentle hug to let her be aware of you are there and to relief her, My daughter and son like/preferred after I would caress there hair and often i might sing to them it will put them to sleep... Commonly i'd rock them to sleep in my rocker then location them in their bed. You need to be organization that their bed is their bed, but my daughter is 8 mos and that i let her sleep with me, they think the relief of their mother and suppose cozy with you this is why she loves you a lot and wishes to be with you... If she is teething you might try the homeopathic teething pills...Also, if her circadian rhythm is off, attempt to wake her up early to create a stability...Dont let her sleep in. Just right luck :) does she wake up at midnight when she sleeps with you too? Oh, also, she is still very young, she could also be hungry! Have you tried a bottle, or nursing ? ...Something it is your loved ones does... Hope this helps. Okay, I just discovered in a moms and dads magazine that i'm studying, for Sept.08, it says beneath a piece of writing known as "rest for the Day", from 3-12 mos. "Your child want's 10-12 hrs at night time (with interruptions for feeding) and 3-5hrs during the day divided between 2-three naps. This might make sense to me for the reason that I allow my 8mos. Ancient to nurse for the period of the night. Every little one is distinctive however she will nurse a few occasions... I might gander that she is hungry.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Not to brag, siblings and i were formula fed, and all four of us graduated top 10% in high school and different universities. =) Trust me, people, there are some DUMB people out there that were breastfed, so I doubt that's the common denominator. I guess it's all in the genes and parenting skills.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Breastfeeding the first year!!!! No formula

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    use my sperm

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