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Do you think a 14 yr old and a 17 yr old dating is wrong?

I'm 14 and I'm dating a 17 year old boy, and have been since October. I'll be 15 and he'll be 18 over the summer. I know a lot of you are probably thinking that he's only dating me for sex or because he can't get a girl his age, but both of those things aren't true. We haven't had sex yet, and a lot of girls at school in his grade are interested in him. We just click really well. He's amazing and we both make eachother really happy. The farthest we've gone is BJ/eat out (but not even fully) and he's never pressured me once.

Wrong or not?


@Sarah K - He isn't "using" me and it isn't illegal considering we haven't had intercourse. I gave him a BJ because I wanted to, not because he asked me to. Sometimes I forget that it's impossible to ask a question on Y!A without adding a ton of backstory unless you like judgmental know-it-all answers.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is illegal. He is above the age of consent, you are under it. You do not have the legal jurisdiction to consent to any form of sexual activities, including oral sex. He can't even legally touch you; if the relationship were to go anything over talking (which you admitted it has), he can be arrested if someone who puts two and two together reports it. It doesn't have to be a parent. It can be a relative, a friend's parent, a teacher, a counselor, anybody.

  • 8 years ago

    There is not a huge age difference between 14 and 17, but there is a large maturity difference.

    It doesn't matter how mature you are for your age, or how immature he is for his. 14 and 17 are just on different planets.

    At 14 you have no adult privileges, because you are nothing more than a child. At 17 you can drive, work, pay taxes, marry and join the military with parental consent. In a few months he will be an adult. You are much more a child than adult and he is much more adult than child.

    I know it's hard, but dating in teenaged years are confusing. People change and mature at different rates, making large age groups difficult during this period. Sometimes even dating someone a year older or younger is too much right now. Not because of age gaps, but because at the maturity levels.

    The age of consent in most areas is 16. Him being 17 and you being 14 creates a strong struggle. If anyone found out he was even spanking your but, making out with you, or doing ANYTHING sexual it would be the end for him. And personally i don't think that's fair in a relationship . Relationships are all about being able to be intimate and close to a lover, that is why it's best to date in legal ages that way you can do so. You don't want to ruin his life over this.

    So my advice if you Truly love each other, wait a year until you're 16. I mean if it's really going to work out it will when you're more mature and legal.

    I won't jump to the conclusion that he's after you for sex, but he is with you for a relationship. And with relationships come sexual feelings and pressure to fill those desires. So it's going to happen (well from your paragraph including oral sex it is already happening) but it's just not legal.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It is actually probably illegal. I'm pretty sure it depends on where you are, since in most places the age of consent is 16 whereas it's 18 in others. But still in a lot of places there are little technicalities and things (like, an under/above-age-of-consent relationship is ok, as long as the "above" person is under X months older than the "under" person, etc.)

    So even if you're 100% for having sex, hell probably even if he actually *doesn't* want to have sex and just does it to make you happy (since honestly, probably no one would believe that), if someone somewhere finds out about it and contacts authorities, he can go to jail if the law where you are dictates it.

    But that said, not every single 17 year old in the world who happens to like a 14 year old is a dangerous little psychopath who spends his time alone giggling at the terrible things he can make you do. So seriously, be legally safe and all that (which probably means abstaining until you're 16) but don't hide under the kitchen table with a knife like some people would have you do. Jeeez.

    I've gotten that kind of judgment being 17 whilst dating a 25 year old (which *is* even legal where we are), so I get it. I mean, still be careful and everything, because there is of course a chance he isn't a completely awesome guy regardless of how he presents himself (honestly, certain "bad" people do essentially make it their life's goal to appear as much like precious little innocents as they can whilst manipulating people, purely for giggles), so you really shouldn't completely let your guard down or anything. But I can't say I think your particular situation is morally wrong.

  • 8 years ago

    Honestly, I personally believe it is not wrong. My boyfriend and I are nine years apart. Yes i know half the people reading this must be what is wrong with her. Well nothing. I love him and he loves me. We have been together for almost 10 years now. ( currently 26). I wouldn't consider your actions wrong however you do have to be extremely careful about them. The moment he turns 18, he is considered as an adult. If you are caught by anyone doing any sexual act, that person can report this to the police and he can potentially be a sexual offender for the rest of his life. So whatever you decide to do please just be cautious and safe. I really would not want to see another helpless soul be labeled as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

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  • 8 years ago

    It's kind of a problem, yes. The problem is that he can be accused of having sex with you and be sent to jail, even though you haven't had intercourse and even though you said yes. You're risking him being convicted of a sex crime and having to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. I can't imagine you want that, right?

    So the safest thing you can do for him is to not be alone with him. You can date, you can go to the mall and hang out and go to movies and dinner, but you can't be alone with him, not even to have him drive you home. Otherwise, you're risking his future.

    You can repost this with your ages and the state where you live and see what amount of jail time he would do. People on Yahoo can help you look it up.

    But really, if you care, don't make him risk this.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't age really matters, it's more about how you guys feel. There's this thing where you're supposed to divide the older persons' age by 2 and then add seven and that is supposed to be youngest that person should date. (in your case you fall slightly under the radar but i'm just telling you this cuz i think it's an interesting thing and not cuz you should pay attention and make sure ages align with what it says).

    But if he acts like a creep dump him.

  • 8 years ago

    You're completely fine, don't let your friends bother you about this either. If you are happy with your boyfriend then that is all that matters. I believe that if you are mature enough to handle a 17 year old man then have at it. The only thing I would be concerned about really would be him going off to college? That would be hard. But it's all whatever, as long as you feel that it's right.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    14,15,16, 17,18 4 years I don't know it's not that wrong if you think it's right then it's ok but don't do anything you don't want to do ok! 4 years is ok just think ahead when your 20 he will be 24 not bad if 25 year old models can date 40 year olds then you should be aloud to date a 18 year old just remember if your





    •his parents

    •his friends

    Are all ok with it then its ok and if he's good to you then great just remember he is probably going off to college or university soon so don't get to serious the last thing you need is a broken heart!and if you guys are gonna make it work when he is in c/u then awesome!!!

    It's totally right but just keep safe!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    He's a loser who can't find a girl his own age. Yeah it's not about sex but you've given him a bj....

    He's clearly using you and you're so desperate

    It's also illegal. You're under the age of consent but he is over it

    When he turns 18 he will become an adult. You will still be a child and still not old enough to give consent. I hope he enjoys prison

    Source(s): So you're going to wait another 3-4 years before you have sex? He's off to college while you're still a kid. College....were there are parties every week and the girls are easy....good luck with that It will be funny how the people at his college will react when they find out he's dating a child But it's your life. If you love him then good luck with your relationship
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It sounds totally fine. From what you're saying it doesn't seem like its causing any problems or difficulties.

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