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Cymbalta asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

I really dont want to live?

I'm 14 and my birthday is in 13 days,i broke the screen on my brother's laptop so he's taking my birthday present which was a laptop so im not looking forward to my birthday. A lot of people know me in a sense but i consider most people acquaintances. I don't hang out with friends so everyday is pretty dull. I used to have a best friend but she doesnt acknowledge me anymore, i think she was just using me. I just dont see the point to anything anymore. Eat,sleep,go to school,graduate,work,then die. I left out "make a family" bcs im not interesting enough for anyone to start a family with. Im literally a waste of space on this planet. This whole year I tried to be a happy optimistic person but i just cant anymore. Everyone upsets me, i even upset myself . And I know that theres people with 10x worse lives than and that just makes me even sadder. Why would god allow so much suffering? Sometimes I just to hang myself to save god the trouble and i just might do that.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    When you are living at home everything seems much harder and hopeless. You should look forward to your birthday! Not only is it a great day, but it means you are one year closer to becoming the person you were meant to be. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Life is not so basic. Yes you eat, sleep, work, and eventually die, but all the wonderful and interesting memories and events make life worth living! Nothing is the same after you graduate. You are free! If you do not like your path, it is up to you to change it. You want a laptop? Buy one. Or two if you choose! If you are not interested in starting a family with anyone right now does not mean that in the future you will feel the exact same way. I am in my 30s now and almost everything I thought and felt when was 14 feels pretty inconsequential right now. I personally am not religious, but I think without "suffering" you would not be able to learn and grow. Trust me everyone has been subject of some sort of suffering. Death eventually happens to us all, but when those final moments in life happen to you, do you want regrets or to look back on a life filled with happiness and greatness?

    You are not a waste of space! You are our future. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and remember your life is worth more than a laptop (more so if it is a DELL laptop) and a friend that was using you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No you should not have a lifeless soul! Feel of your emotions as a flame. When you were on your final relationship, that flame was once gigantic, and left a huge trail within the sky. Now, the flame is much diminish, but it never goes out! You need to find some extra wooden to mild it up again. By wooden, I mean yet another accomplice or neighbors/family. You have got to communicate to have an understanding of why you're keen on what you love. You must be reminded of the life you had earlier than this accomplice which ended four years ago. It is with the aid of speaking to people and looking to convey back the historic movements/likes/instances that you are going to fully grasp what you quite love about life. I hope all goes well. We are normally here to support, so don't hesitate to ask at any time.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    From someone who has been there, I know that sadness is a strong emotion and it may seem like things are never going to get better. Just know that through your struggle you are learning, and that graduation, and then real life, will come soon enough. Don't give up yet, because you haven't truly lived yet.

    In the meantime, try to find a hobby or something that you enjoy to occupy your time. Personally, being a Christian adds a lot more meaning to life than the "eat, sleep, die" thing that you were talking about. Changing takes time, so keep at it! Also, you may want to see a counselor if your feelings continue or get worse.

    I pray that things will start looking up for you soon. And happy birthday!!!

    Source(s): Hospitalized at 13 for suicide attempt, now I'm a happy senior who will graduate in 3 weeks.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    You are extremely young! You have no idea what life is yet. Your way to young to say that and your very uneducated. Don't take your life at such a young age. Your reasons for killing yourself are probably the worst reasons I've ever heard. You have no idea. I don't ever recommend someone killing themselves, I understand that many people live in extreme pain so sometimes I understand why they do, but I don't sense that kind of pain in your life, I just sense that your bored, come on now. Life is a one time opportunity and its the most remarkable thing that exists, having lots of friends is by far not the best thing in the world, earth has incredible things going on within it to explore and think about, its a world beyond the imagination and you lose it all when you die, take sometime to look at the beauty of life and the sole fact that you have gotten the opportunity to see it.

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  • 8 years ago

    I know what to do. I have been through alot of bullshit in my youth (from age 14). I got into drugs and crime for a long period of time. I also thought about suicide. But then I started meditating, and I started to think about alot of things, and it really helped me. I also found something that I was interested in and kept on thinking about that all the time. If you start meditating, it can actually help you. Sounds stupid, but it works. (Google it on how to do it correctly). You have to know, that you actually decide EVERYTHING in your life. You can do whatever you want to. If this not helped you 100% you can message me at

    Hope it helped :)

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • Jan
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    first of all HAPPY B-DAY `.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'- `.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-`.'-

    I know life gets so overwhelming and hopeless hon, it does to us all, and I have been where you are right, work, die....yeah..its seems like that..but when I ask Jesus to come in , a whole new world happened to me, but you cant see it until you ask him. your choice I wont push.

    I actually felt my spirit detaching from my body at one time when I was so deep in despair. so I know what it feels like to question what is the point of living.....well,

    there is 2 eternal homes after this one..... I saw a guy on youtube who died and went to hell...he said just before the demons were about to pull his arms off, he went back to his body here on earth...and saw his wife on her knees praying for him. do you want that home FOREVER?

    I am sure you are smarter then that

    you have to focus on positive thinking or you will talk yourself into suicide and go there.

    I had to read positive thinking books one helped me to THINK RIGHT and I honestly didnt think a book of WORDS could do that but it did. you can get it in any Library its called " The Art of Real Happiness, by Normand Vincent Peale............ POWERFUL BOOK

    here is one of his online =>

    Source(s): if you need a friend to talk to email me .............
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    you have to live your life honey and you don't know what the future holds but there will be some good stuff as well as bad - cheer up and happy birthday

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Welcome to life. It sucks for everyone. All you can do is either live it or give up.

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