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Guys and Girls,It's a long but not boring,PLEASE I NEED HELP,I'm going crazy thinking about him:(?


I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 months now.I love and respect him,but the truth is,I've been waiting until we're done with our exams to probably break up with him..there are some things a girl needs,and i try not to think of myself as just a "girl",but a woman,and he can't provide them..

I never cared about money or whatever ! what I mean is the way he makes me feel,the spark I get when we're intimate or alone,wanting him when he's not with me,remembering everything we had when he's not's all not there..I don't feel these feeling with him,when in fact these might be the best things about a relationship.

Besides,it's not like he can help me when I'm in trouble,or when I'm going through a hard time..his advice aren't effective.

My boyfriend doesn't move me or make me feel that he understands me well..Nop..I'm adapted to date men,not 30s obviously,i mean mature "males",not a guy I'm more mature than.

Now what happened yesterday,i was at my friend's birthday if i said there were only 10 people,you'll think it was lame,but actually not,it was meant to be something small so that we'd have a blast.

I was wearing a normal red shirt tied in the front (belly not showing) and short denim shorts.I felt too insecure.. I constantly asked my friend who's a girl if i looked good,and she kept on telling me yes..

then my friend(birthday boy) came and told me that one of his friend thinks I'm "too beautiful"..

Well considering I;ve been studying my *** out for the past 2 weeks and it barely took me 10 mins to get dressed,this sounded 10 times sweeter..

i noticed him looking at me constantly.After i got tipsy i got a headache,i went outside to the balcony and he followed me,but i was kind of mean..he then followed me to the kitchen and i was even meaner !(not that i meant it,effect of alcohol)..He then started dancing with my friend..i felt jealous.Simply.

As obvious as it could be..but i didn't show or try and get him,I believe I'm bigger than that..

Then they put "we found love-rihanna" and i kind of got too hyper,he then came closer and we started dancing..Thinking about it,i get a rush all over again..he's the best dancer ever..we were too close and intimate,i bet anybody who'd see us would think we're in absolute love..We hugged and were too close..

I was still too dizzy,he asked me while we danced if he I can swing on his arm,i said yes but I'm scared I'd fall since I'm too dizzy..he said simply: "Trust me.." And i did,more than once,and it felt awesome.

We then got outside and sat on the balcony,he started talking about different he is from the person he was before and so on..

before going home my friend told me :I'm so glad you guys are bonding ! But isn't he in a relationship?

i was shocked.

I took his number and talked to him via whatsapp at night,i couldn't stand it so i just asked him,i told him i dont care if u are,but if it's true,i'd feel really bad..He said that he broke up with her the very same day at noon(that is yesterday at around 4:30)

and that if he was in a relationship,he wouldn't have came to the party..

I slept thinking about him,and woke up thinking about him

This guy made me feel wanted..He brought out every single piece of feminism inside of me..I need a man like first when i heard he was a body builder i kind of made fun of the idea,but then when i hugged him i loved every single thing about him..I need him,I want him.

And now I'll wait until HE talks to me..

Please there's no question,what i need is a comment.An outside nuetral opinion to comment on everything.

On my relationship with my boyfriend,my feelings towards this guy,him being in a relationship?

Please i just need help !

thanks in regard x

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're an idiot.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Break up with him as soon as exams are done. Doing it before would just ruin his grades, but don't let it go much past exams because that's just leading him on. This is life, and that's how relationships go. When that spark is gone, and if you can't get it back, don't waste his time or yours. Trust me, trying to fake it is the worst thing you could ever do. I've known women who married men thinking it would bring the spark back, but all it does is turn a bad situation into a disaster that may turn ugly.

    If you want to get the spark back tell him exactly how you feel and see if the two of you can work it out and find out what happened. If you don't want to try then explain to him your feelings. It's very important you be honest and tell him everything. He'll understand eventually and get over it.

    As for your new crush keep in mind it's normal for people to get this feeling when they connect with someone. It's the honeymoon period. You had it with your soon to be ex and more than likely it WILL end up in the same situation with this new guy. This is a pitfall many people, even those in long term relationships, fall into. That spark is gone, they find someone else who stirs those old feelings, and they leap into it without thinking. The new relationship will end up the same as the old one.

    In ANY long term relationship that initial spark will die down. It doesn't stay forever no matter how much you want it to. Love may stay, but that special feeling you had at the beginning always dies down over time. That's why many people read books and see counselors on how to re-ignite that spark.

    Also, I get the feeling you're still quite young. It's normal to chain date when you're young and see what the world has to offer. It's natural. It's a life experience.

    As for the man himself all I can say is be careful. I could be misjudging him but my player-sense is tingling. Don't throw common sense out the window because of his charm.

    Regardless of what you choose if you're out of love with your current boyfriend don't drag him along until you choose your next boyfriend. Set him free so he can decide where he wants to go while you make up your mind.

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are too many mediocre things in life, love shouldn't be one of them. The person you're with should give you butterflies, you should both try to find any possible time to see eachother, you should want to see them when they're gone. And miss them incredibly. Being in love is one of the most amazing things and if you're not happy, then you're not. He'll find someone new, and you'll find someone that makes you feel amazing.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well, its obvious your not into your current BF. You need to leave him instead of drawing it out and hurting the guy more down the road. As far as this new guy, I would not wait until HE talks to you. That is one thing that buggs me about girls. Dont come on to the guy at first but make yourself available to where he will ask you out. If he does not ask you out withing the first week, you ask him out.. Why not.....? If you are thinking about him while with your boyfriend it is time you let your BF Go. Hope this helps...

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    seriously why are you even asking??? you know what you want so stop procrastinating and do it ---- break up with the old guy and dont wait ask the second guy out as soon as you have ended your relationship --- a coffee anything just let him know you want a romantic relationship with him ---- if you do nothing he will think you are not interested

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I started reading them but once i got to the pig one that was all i could think about

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