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Help?! I dont want to live anymore (im 15)!?!?
So a few months ago i had sex for the first time. (He told me it was time for us to have sex and i agreed.) he has had sex before but i hadnt so i was pretty new to the whole thing. I knew the consequences but he said itll be fine so i just went with it. i took 3 pregnancy tests and they all came out positive. I have told him and he broke up with me. Then when i told my parents they shouted at me. (He was there too.) my ex then ran off and committed suicide. I was heartbroken and started to drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs and more importantly, solvent abuse and cut myself. I still cut myself but i dont solvent abuse or take drugs anymore. I have tried to cut down on the smoking but i cant. Ive tried committing suicide myself but every time i live. Then a few weeks ago at school a guy who i liked saw me cutting myself at school. He told me to stop and i burst into floods of tears. He gave me a hug and told me everything was going to be alright. We started talking and he seemed to be a nice guy. He asked me how my pregnancy was going and how everything was with my baby. This was the first time anyone had mentioned it and i burst into tears and told him everything, about my ex dying and my trying to commit suicide. I told him i didnt have a dad for the baby and he listened to everything. 'He seems like a jerk' he said (meaning my ex for committing suicide over a baby) i nodded. He then said he would be my babys dad which was a shock to me cos nobody wants a baby when their 15. I said no. But he kept pestering and i eventually gave in and said yes.
But i feel as though i have ruined someones life and murdered a person (my ex). It makes me feel depressed and suicidal.
I need advice. <3 xx
14 Answers
- 8 years agoFavorite Answer
That is definitely a tough one. First off sorry to hear that. But if you really want to have this child you need to stay strong and keep away from eveything harmful you are doing to yourself. For example cutting. And if someone is gonna step in to help you with your baby than let it be. That is a man right there. Just keep your head up. There is hope for you out here in the world and six feet under is not. Hope i helped.
- 8 years ago
Its seems that you are feeling and taking in all the guilt and everyone elses problems. You should be happy that this person has agreed to take on the role as the baby's father, but remember you and him are still extremely young to be parents. I would only let him try to be the father of my child if i was in a relationship with him, which im hoping you are?
I would also just stay around home, as you could gain a lot of help and information from your parents as they have rared children before (you). They may be distressed or angry but there emotions arent changing anything for the better, only the worse. You are about to be a mum to a wonderful child, you should shake off all the hurt and negative emotions you are holding on to and be the best mum you can to that child:) What happens when your baby grows up and finds the cure for cancer, becomes an international singer, an oscar award winner, and olympian? They need great upbringing to bring out the best in themselves:) and having a happy childhood is the most important and effective part of life:)
Good luck girl:)x
- Anonymous8 years ago
Visit for online support.. Also if urselfesteem is very low right now. U need to find ways toimprove it, look online for tips. Also try learning and doingnew things; start small and this will give u a sense ofachievement. .. Visit to talk to a freeonline councellor.. Look up exercise and depression online itreleases endorfins which improve mood and brainchemistry. and Art Therapy; channelling what ur feeling intosomething creative helps ur brain process the negativity inur head: a good technique is to doodle when thinking aboutthe things that depress u, doodling brings ur thoughts intothe present and stops u dwelling on the things that depressu. also find some volunteer work; helping others or naturebuilds selfesteem, gives life new meaning gives perspectiveand good karma... u dont have to believe in god but findingsome spirituality can really help and good karma is a goodstart... basically research all u can on depression then whenu find things that help come on here and share with theother deprrssed people, more good karma. Why not joinclubs groups and activities in ur community where you llmeet like minded people. Or challenge urself by joininggroups u wouldnt normally be interested in. and dont beafraid of going to ur doctor, be totally honest and they llunderstand and be able to help; medication or a change ofmedication can work wonders, like lifting a weight from urshoulders. people have all kinds of reasons for living. Thejourney of self discovery is half of the reward. Go on ajourney, tryng different ways of living until u find one thatmakes sense. Try reading The Magic by Rhona Byrne this book has helped many people. Please remember that the best form of suicide is to kill your old life and build a new one, change everything. Good luck
- 8 years ago
If I was in your situation, I would feel the same. Even though self harm may be the easy option, it's doing you no good. It must of been hard loosing your virginity in that way. If you wasn't planning for a pregnancy, you should of used protection. Its common sense. He clearly wasn't a true boyfriend if he couldn't own up to the mistake he made to not use protection. I don't think he should of committed suicide, he should of supported you as it was his fault. He has obviously left you in depressed state as you may be feeling that alcohol, smoking and drugs is more important than your life. Its very bad for your health at this age to be taking substances that harm you. You have to realize that, your killing yourself for a boy that obviously was worthless and clueless is wrong. Its good that you have noticed the problem and you need to tell someone about this otherwise nobody can help you get over this. Its not good for the baby to be brought up around this devastation and his/hers attention should be your top priority. You didn't ruin anyone's life, they should of realized the consequences and you didn't murder someone, they killed their self. Its great that you found someone to be your partner and to support you and the baby. Make sure that they are commited and aren't going to ruin your life anymore. Bring up the baby is a safe environment and start again. We've all had faults in our lifes but we need to MOVE ON. Hope this helps, I'm here for you.
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- Anonymous8 years ago
It must seem painful of what you are going through but you ex chose to commit suicide and you didn't make him. It wasn't your fault that he committed suicide. He just couldn't handle it and it was too much for him.
At least the guy that you liked was there for you and wanted to be your child's father. I think it sounds a wonderful idea that he could be the father. Also maybe he has feelings for you and cares about you.
Having sex at a young age is one of these things that teenagers regret. One of my close friends had sex and regret it later. But sadly once you lose your virginity, its gone, but you can still live without your virginity.
If you need help for depression or suicidal thoughts, you can talk to a school psychologist, email me ( or you could see a doctor about this that cause you to feel this way. There's a reason out there why you shouldn't commit suicide. Don't give up!
I hope I helped you and good luck.
- 8 years ago
First thing I advise you is: Never EVER commit suicide, it is the weak and worst escape. We all have done something wrong during our lifetime, but we learn from our mistakes which is what matters. You may have done a wrong decision by agreeing to have sex and unfortunately got pregnant, even went onto drugs, alcohol and even attempted to commit suicide...
HOWEVER, how your ex committed suicide was NOT your fault, you are NOT the one to blame, remember it was HIS decision, you didn't control him, and tbh you are really strong, stay that way! Life is a precious gift from God. Think about how you lived everytime you committed suicide but they didn't work? This is because God wants you to live, he wants you to face your problems and learn to solve them in order to face bigger problems in the future. We all make mistakes, and this results an experience and stays as a reminder in our heart of not to repeat the mistake again.
Also I think talking someone about all you've been through is a great idea, it makes you feel less accumulated with pressure and depression because you are releasing all your emotions out and make yourself free and happy. But remember, whenever you feel you're trapped and helpless, don't think of doing ANYTHING stupid, there is ALWAYS an escape in life, ALWAYS!! Stay optimistic and strong. Don't give yourself up.
Moreover you're only 15, there is still a bright life ahead of ya! If you commit suicide, you will miss it and think about your parents? How would they feel?
Stay Strong:)
- 8 years ago
How horrible and awful for you. There are always people you can talk to, whenever it's friends, teachers, family or samaritans. I advise you try and get some help. If you didn't use protection you should of known the consequences. You have not murdered your ex. I too have gone through depression and suicide attempts andsmoking etc. Believe it or not but people have had similar experiences with yours. It seems to are keeping the baby and not aborting it, it's completely up to you if you want to keep thebaby or give it up for adoption. Remember there are many people who care for you, and you commiting suicide will impact your friend's and families lives and could even lead them too depression. Again, I strongly advise you get help or talk to people. Trust me it it will get better! Stay strong <3
- Anonymous8 years ago
Don't kill yourself.
I'm not going to tell you to stop cutting because nobody knows how much pain you have to be in to inflict physical pain to yourself. You didn't murder anyone, he was an idiot for running off and killing himself over a baby. This guy who offered to father the baby, he seems like a good guy. Keep him. You haven't ruined his life, if he offered then let him.
You need to get help with the cutting though. Tell someone and get help as soon as possible. You are loved, don't forget it.
- Anonymous7 years ago
hi im 10 and im suicdile 2 but it will be alright :)
- 8 years ago
You have to stay, you have to stay for your baby. You can watch him or her turn into a wonderful person. You're so young and have so much to live for. Forget about your ex and that guy who left you, people leave, that's life. Try to stop smoking, get a 'nicorette' or tell your doctor. You should stop for your baby. If you don't allow yourself to get better, then you won't be able to. As for the cutting, I know. It's addictive, but think about it. One day a loved one will ask you 'where did you get those scars'. do you want to hurt them? If not for yourself, stop for your baby. Stay strong &stay alive. xx