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i have stop my loan past 5 years back due to job loss now they r calling and asking for recovery how?

i hav stop my personal loan past 5 years back due to job loss, and now i got a call from bank that i hav to pay the balance amt. how can i settle this case

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Check the Statute of Limitations for your state. If you are in California, the statute of limitations for "open book accounts" (e.g. credit cards or finance company accounts) is four years from date of last payment. If it has been five full years since your last payment, and you are in a state with an SOL of four years or less, don't worry about it.

    The collection agency can only force you to pay by going to court and obtaining a judgment against you. If they take you to court, just argue that the SOL is up, and the collection agency is SOL!

    After 7-7.5 years, the item will also fall harmlessly away from your credit report. If you need some tips on how to reestablish your credit, read the article below.

    Good luck, and sleep well.

  • 8 years ago

    Leave it as is. If you can't pay it, you can't pay it. It's understandable in this economy and banks will pester you to pay up. Now there are some things you can do. Talk to the bank and ask if they can modify your payment so you can extend the loan. Being that you are already 5 years behind, you may as well leave it for another 2 years and let it come off your credit. Negative items can only stay on record for 7 years after the initial negative mark.

    Source(s): Past experience
  • 8 years ago

    You settle it by paying the bank what you owe them. You might be able to negotiate a reduced amount if you can pay it all off at once

  • Ryan M
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You cant

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