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how do I make my avatar show?

I don't see the rose that I uploaded as my avatar, and I can't find any setting in yahoo to make it show up.

Do you see my rose, or just that grey image for my avatar?

Do you know which setting to make it viewable?

thank you for your help; I couldn't find anything in the help files.


thanks for the answers so far, but I should have mentioned that I already tried that; I'm looking for the setting to make it "show", instead of the white outline of a head and shoulders. When I am in the profile section, I do see the rose; I just don't see it on the "answers" pages.

that was why I asked if anyone sees the rose--do you? It should be a beautiful apricot rose.

Update 2:

thanks, echin.; yes, I too can see the rose when I'm on my profile page but not on the answers page. I had uploaded the pic several weeks ago, so I would think by now it would show up.

It's strange; I can't send them a question, so I have to ask people here and hope I get it resolved that way.

3 Answers

  • Nixon
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi -

    To add or change your display image;

    1. Sign in and click the down arrow in the upper left corner next to your name.

    2. Select Profile. (This should take you to the Yahoo! Profile page)

    3. Hover your mouse over the picture above your name and select change picture.

    4. Select one of the images displayed, or if you wish to use a different image, click upload.

    5. Browse to an image on your computer you would like to use and click Open

    6. Your new image should now be an option you can select.

    Once chosen. It should now be your Yahoo! Answers image.

    Hope this helps!

    Thank you for choosing to use Yahoo!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I saw the rose in your main profile and also in your YA profile (my activities), but not on YA itself. This leaves just one explanation: sometimes it takes the system several hours, in extreme cases even days, until it is completely updated across all servers. But you did everything correctly, and I'm sure your avatar will also show on YA pretty soon...:-)

  • 8 years ago

    Click your current avatar then click view profile or go to ,

    click your current avatar , click change picture in the centre, click the upward arrow on left, "edit my public profile" browse and select the avatar or pic you want from your pc, follow the prompts.

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