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jare bare asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

How do you go on when you know everything will fall apart when you wake up?

I'm suffering from depression and the side effects of medications. It's a terrible nightmare that I have to wake up to every day, It's a nightmare that doesn't go away when you wake up. I've been hospitalized three times in the last three months because of the meds. How do you go on like this? I pray to God every day and every night to deliver me from this but no answer. I have loved God all my life. I feel so alone. So scared.

1 Answer

  • Jody
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's not unusual to have to try several different medications to find the one that's gonna work for you. Every persons DNA and metabolism are different, they respond differently to different antidepressants, but don't give up.

    When you find the right medication you'll begin to feel better.

    In the meantime ask for cognitive behavioral therapy. It has an 80-90% full recovery rate fromt he depressive and anxiety disorders. CBT helps you make lasting changes in the way you think, feel and behave.

    God always answers, sopmetime the answer is "not yet," an answer we don't prefer, but an answer nevertheless. CBT will help you get down to causes of your depression, no doubt there are issues you need to work through. In the meantime don't blame God, ask Him for His will to be done and the strength to get through the day..

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