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How do i catch my ghost on camera?

it opened all the kitchen cabinets a few months back and when i left a note pad with the question"what do you want" it ripped all the pages out and scribbled the words "her the angel"refering to my partner i think.i was only out of the room for 30 seconds,the bathroom cabinet is constantly opened at an angle even when its been closed,and i have witnessed a long black tail like thing wrapped around the door handle but when ive gone closer to get a better look it shot off around the door out of has also been in to see my partner while she has been sitting on the toilet,she said it was like a pure black legless ferret type creature thet quivers and looks slightly transparant,we are quite open minded so i told her next time dont be scared and see if you can get a better look,she did and when she saw it in the bathroom again she called it and put her hand out to it and it came closer,she shouted me to come and see it and she said it shot off quickly when it heard me coming,ive tried setting up cameras but it seems to know and never comes out or does anything,but as soon as the camera is off it messes with things again.any ideas.


ive tried hiding the camera but it seems to know! at first it scared the life out of us both,my partner even wanted to leave the night it wrote and opened all the cabinets,it seems as if its opening the bathroom cabinet so that it faces the toilet and bath and does it a lot of the time while my partner is having a bath,im not sure if the black thing and the cabinet opener are the same thing

Update 2:

i was talking to my partner when she was in the bath when the writing and the doors opening happened ive even seen the black object myself while she was upstairs,nobody else lives with us and house was locked up?

Update 3:

wifes asleep in bed next to me,ive just been to the bathroom and cabinets wide open again,no wind no gravity,ive tested to see if it swings itself and it doesnt

13 Answers

  • Tom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Set up a COMPUER or word processor and SEE if it leaves a message. It worked for me a few years back.

    Oddly enough it claimed to be an "alien" of sorts as it wrote "Spaceshipppp downnn. 4 north 773."

    And it said it needed help and to call a friend of mine, who I knew to be at one time working for government intelligence.---Later , after the call it wrote "thanks we gone"----Seriously

    I thought it a curiosity as perhaps Ghosts and aliens may be the same thing--whatever they are. There was no one else in the home office where I left the computer run overnight. and the area was empty, save for me, between messages.(no one would be hiding)

    As the phenomena, (skittering sounds) and (stuff being moved on my desk) observed before I thought of the word processor, it looked like classic "ghost stuff", I assumed it was a "ghost". I did not have a video camera at the time then.

    I figured if it could move stuff, it could press buttons on a keyboard, so I set up an old word processor and left it on-----With a notation "Who are you?" press keys to answer" (there was no internet connection)

    Source(s): Scientist with years of paranormal study on the side. experience.
  • 7 years ago

    this is why I've decided to give you this suggestion or rather a warning. Based on the activity of the entity that you have described, it is quite safe to assume that we are talking about a spirit of a lower degree of advance meaning it is a disincarnated soul that is heavily drawn to corporeal life along with its vices and bad passions. This sort of spirit is usually only attracted to people with a similar level of energy, thus to say that if you're a negative person with negative thoughts and intentions then you'll draw spirits of the same nature nearer to you, but this is not always the case. Nonetheless, it is important that instead of capturing physical evidence of said spirit, you should focus on helping that soul move on from its state of idleness. This can be accomplished by ensuring that your home has a positive atmosphere to it. Having a tidy, clean house would certainely help. Also make sure that the interactions between you and the others living in your house consist of a good nature. Avoid negative thoughts and ac

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have had several encounters. One was at a hotel in Vancouver, Canada in July 2006. We were at a sci fi convention and many weird things were happening to people in one area of the hotel: a maid's vacuum caught on fire, one lady was thrown across her bed--in front of 3 friends, lights were doing weird stuff, the fire alarm went off, etc. The last day of the conference, at the closing party, I had taken a few photos with a digital camera and when we went up to the room to download them to the laptop, I noticed an aura around and across the guest of honor's head. We enlarged the area and there were 2 faces superimposed over his face. 2 not so nice faces. We made copies and took them back downstairs to the party.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm glad that you're open minded, and this is why I've decided to give you this suggestion or rather a warning. Based on the activity of the entity that you have described, it is quite safe to assume that we are talking about a spirit of a lower degree of advance meaning it is a disincarnated soul that is heavily drawn to corporeal life along with its vices and bad passions. This sort of spirit is usually only attracted to people with a similar level of energy, thus to say that if you're a negative person with negative thoughts and intentions then you'll draw spirits of the same nature nearer to you, but this is not always the case. Nonetheless, it is important that instead of capturing physical evidence of said spirit, you should focus on helping that soul move on from its state of idleness. This can be accomplished by ensuring that your home has a positive atmosphere to it. Having a tidy, clean house would certainely help. Also make sure that the interactions between you and the others living in your house consist of a good nature. Avoid negative thoughts and actions and if you believe in God, it is recommended you sincerely pray for the rescue of that lost soul which is bound to eventually occur. Good luck.

    Source(s): "The Spirit's Book" by Allan Kardec.
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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

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  • 8 years ago

    You said when you put cameras up it stops. So put the cameras in permanently and see if it notices if they go off but stay there. Also you could ignore it and it might get bored. Or write more like asking it if you are in danger. Maybe you could tell it that it can only stay if it ...blah blah blah.

    Good luck

  • 8 years ago

    Well u can record them in a video camera whole night

  • James
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I wonder if it's a spirit of an animal rather than a person. There are countless stories about animal spirits remaining behind. A friend of mine has two different former pets (both dogs) that had died previously.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    well assuming this is real hide the camera in the bathroom when your wifes in there

  • 8 years ago

    Get better psychiatric medications for you and your partner. Problem solved.

    Source(s): lol ghosts
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