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Question about business launch party?

I have already put 15k into my business and expect it to do great. I am planning an event for my business launch and wonder should I have it in my town which is Peoria or Chicago. My virtual business address is in Chicago and I think I will get more people to show up in Chicago. In the line of work I will be doing I will be helping individuals worldwide and I want to reach a large market. I don't think there is a lot of young entrepreneurs in Peoria. Please leave feedback on what you would do.


Do you think I can get by with 1000? I didn't plan launch, but a couple of friends said they did when they started their business.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    plz tell me more first.

    I am wondering if we are in the same biz?

  • 8 years ago

    Find a function room in or near Chicago, if it's in your budget. Don't serve your own liquor. Let me advise you here, Don't serve your own liquor.

    Unless you have a food service license, you can't serve ANYthing that isn't pre-packaged. Let the caterer or hotel do all that for you. It's probably in their contract anyway.

    You will discover that it's going to be an expensive opening. I hope it's in your budget.

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