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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 8 years ago

Am I really that ugly, opinions needed?

Hey Answers. I know this might just seem like a desperate cry for attention but it's really not (because I hate people like that on here) I'm just looking for a humble, honest opinion from a group of people I don't know. Growing up I've always had a twisted and warped body image of myself, from the time I was about fourteen/fifteen. Before that age I was fine and quite comfortable and happy in my own skin, and I think I'm finally starting to get that feeling back, after going on a diet and going to the gym to exercise regularly. The reason I suddenly started crying at my reflection in the mirror and hating what I saw was because of several factors I believe - the main one being that phase all girls go through when they hit that age, insecurities and lack of confidence. There was also the guy I was best friends with for years rejecting me when I tried to ask him out, then asking out my best friend (who is reason number three for my insecurity). She is incredibly beautiful and exotic looking, with "Edward Cullen" eyes or so everybody says and a perfect ectomorph body. She eats like a pig and never gets fat and compared to her (even though there have been bigger girls than me) I feel like a beached whale. I love her to pieces and we're still best friends now (I'm 19) but I keep coming back around in circles to this one point, where I feel like I'll never be attractive enough because she's so much better than me. I'm trying desperately to rebuild my confidence, but every time I feel like I'm getting there she will post a stunning picture on facebook with twenty million likes and loads of compliments and I'm back to feeling like crap again.

Now I don't think I'm THAT bad looking. I have a lot of ACNE scars because I'm a dermotillomaniac (it's an OCD picking thing) But I've learned to live with them and am trying to improve my skin, plus I'm really good at make-up and have learned to cover it up quite well. I'm really short (about 5"2) and I have an endomorphic body type, meaning it's hard for me to lose weight and very easy for me to gain it in all the wrong places. Naturally I have really big boobs, wide hips, and curvy thighs/calves, and I remind myself of sort of like Scarlett Johansson in that respect. I've been working out loads recently and watching my weight, and slowly there seems to be changes in the way I look. My hair is currently quite short (a bit longer than your average bob) with a cute tiny undercut on one side, and it's dyed a natural sort of reddy/auburn colour which I love. My eyes are bright green and really big and I like that too. I hate my chin as it juts out quite a bit and my insecurity about that area is so high I've actually had to resort to reducing my chin size on many of my pictures so it doesn't look so horrendously big. I've also grown accustomed to airbrushing my photos and really editing them so all possible marks of scars and things have gone. All in all, I don't think I look THAT bad, and I look a LOT worse in unedited pictures than I do in real life. I'm a really unphotogenic person. Despite all this extra effort to get a bit more male attention (there's this guy I really like and want to impress) it seems to do nothing. I don't get likes on my photos and if I do it's from my girlfriends, guys seem repulsed by me and I just don't know why. I don't feel like I'm that desperately hideous, but when this happens it gives me the impression that I must be, and gives me no faith that anybody will want me in the future, and that everybody wants pin thin girls who are tanned, exotic looking, with strange coloured eyes.

Here's a picture of me (edited) -

And here's one of my friend (no need to compare, just showing you what she looks like and what guys go COMPLETELY NUTS over) -

I'm not looking for compliments or attention. All I want is for someone to tell me why they might find me unattractive and why they might find me attractive, basically all I want is some constructive criticism, and some different opinions to those on that dreaded thing facebook. :P Thanks!


One word answers aren't going to cut it, so if I keep seeing them I'm just going to downvote you, thanks.

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are not ugly at all. I envy your boyfriend.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Personally I'd pick you over your friend. Your eyes and lips are stand out features. It's hard to tell without seeing the rest of you though. You got nothing to worry about and just remember personality goes a long way and looks only go so far.

    Your friend is attractive no doubt but she needs to stay away from tanning salons and spray on tans. Not every guy likes orange women with overdone eyebrows.

  • 8 years ago

    You look beautiful! I'm also at that time when you question how likeable you are! But you are actually pretty!

  • 8 years ago

    Ugly? Ugly?

    You are nowhere near ugly. You are beautiful.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i really dun know how specify someone to be ugly or pretty but i wud suggest you to read THE SECRET by RHONDA BYRNE

    it wil help you surely

  • 8 years ago


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Whether you think you're beautiful or you think you aren't-you're right.

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