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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Who exactly 'are' the UAF,in the UK ?

I mean,who-the Names-,not who supports them.

I've searched their web site,nothing.

I therefor have yet to see,who among their leaders,directs policy?

Who amongst them decides which 'fascists' to target ?

Why do they NOT object to Islamic Fascism ?

Do they argue their case,or just State their opinions as facts?

I state as FACT that Islam is a Fascist Movement,at least since the 1930s.

Where do they rebut this widely held belief ?

They admire Ken Livingston,'Red Ken' as was.

But their leaders lurk in the shadows,why,and

Who Are They??


So,they're a fashion accessory ?

If I choose to believe that the Automobile Association is a fascist front,I can join ?

No on vets their political backgrounds,motivations,loyalties,police records,or immigration status ?

A rabble ,leaderless and meandering,against all,and for bugger all ?

Figures !!

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take your pick, there's Fatty Bennett.

    Martin (It wasn't rape because my mates said so) Smith.

    He's the jowly one with glasses.

    or there's their vice chairman, Islamic fundamentalist Azad Ali.

    Or what about this guy, addressing they UAF demo in Harrow.

    In short, they're a bunch of Marxists who think they can use Muslim extremists to bring about "the revolution." What they seem to forget is that the proletariat are the workers, not doleys and perpetual students, and workers are fed up of paying for them and their Muslim friends.

  • OK I am no expert as I have never been on a UAF march, but I did once have a flat mate in the SWP and one in the CPGB. The UAF is more of a rallying cry to attract anyone, of any political persuasion, who is against Fascism. So it sort of brings together SWP, CPGB, TUs Labour voters, Liberals etc etc. They are not really an organisation, just a group of like minded individuals who are against fascism in general. Attracts lots of students who want to look trendy. They admire anyone who they class as a true Socialist, and hate Tony Blair as a traitor! I would be very surprised if they get paid, I am sure the ones I knew weren't.

    LOL its a sort of bringing together of all sorts of Left wing or Liberal groups mainly led by TU officials or the SWP but includes a lot more moderates. Most of the members I knew came from quite rough working class backgrounds. They were the bright kids who got into university. But they were often from the estates where the other kids joined groups like the EDL (white working class kids). A lot of these bright kids were bullied at school by the kids who later joined the EDL, that is why they hate them so much. Saw it a lot where I used to live, the most famous case was Sophie Lancaster, a girl murdered for being different. She lived not far from where I was from, there was a lot of BNP types in the area at the time, hated anyone who looked different of acted different. A lot of the UAF who I know grew up among the BNP EDL types, that is why they hate them so much. A lot are closer then you think, I have a brother in law and two uncles who are strong EDL/ BNP supporters, we get on well but avoid talking about politics.

  • 8 years ago

    I have often puzzled the name United Against Fascism because this crowd are fascist or Islamic fascists,they bang about multiculturalism as if it is a sacred cow.I wonder if they are up to speed with the problems mass immigration of non-conforming Muslims are causing across Europe,do they want school children assassinated by a deluded Jihad head banger,do they want Christians,Jews,Hindus and Sikhs under attack by Muslim thugs and this is happening in every country Muslims settle.Are they happy young white girls are physically and sexually abused,are they happy with the Muslim rape wave blighting Europe,are they happy Muslims feel they do not have to assimilate yet want their own Emirates in sovereign countries,are you happy with more and bigger mosques are you happy Muslim children are being brainwashed in exclusive Muslim school funded by Saudi Arabia to hate Christians,Jews and western society and culture,are you happy a totalitarian political militant regime

    with fascist leanings reminiscent to the Nazi war machine who Muslims seem to approve of as Hitler decreed Jewish genocide,it seems to me you are happy with all these,change the name to United Fascists,you could be done for false representation.

  • 8 years ago

    I think alot of them are students they are like anarchists, kinda like greenpeace, some old fogies and school teachers and some young vegetarians in hemp sweatshirts under millets jackets, they target far-right groups because far-right ideology is nationalism & conformity and respecting the queen & country, they want to rebel against that kinda thing like naughty schoolkids, so i dont think its actual support for the islamists its just rebelling against the far-right, but their downfall is many are from rural areas or at least have leftie village mindsets where everything is peaceful and they never meet extremists so they dont understand the extremist threat in the cities or realise the real intentions of these people, they just fall for the 'religeon of peace' rubbish people in the cities did for a bit until the islamists out-numbered the locals and started attacking them and trying to force their religeon on parts of modern britain, rembember the media refuses to report most violence towards brits by minorities so they are blind to stuff that goes on in muslim areas, the stuff they hear the far-right talk about is so vile they cant possibly comprehend the violent views many of them have, look at the asian grooming gangs, nobody believed it, said it was racist lies, now look, some girls being raped by upto 200 men. They keep a low profile as most are wimps and the group would be ended overnight if a real firm found out their addresses

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I don't believe they're just a bunch of headless chickens,someone must be coordinating.

    Who 'pays' them ?

    Marxists ?

    Who ?

    Why so Secretive?

    I don't know,but I'd like to.

    Someone,or someones,behind the scenes,to oppose any National Defence,White protection,or moves to stem the tide of barbarism ?

    Internationalist Marxism is my Guess.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They are called "unite against Fascism" A left wing group set up to protect the extreme Islamists.

    I can only give you their web site as I didn't think the asker would have it. I really know no more about them than that.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They actually defended muslim paedophiles at Liverpool crown court , do gooders who lost their way and gone bad


  • 8 years ago

    They are rent a mob....paid to 'defend' Muslims.

    The defence is usually in the form of attack....attacking anyone who dares to protest against their paymasters.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    they are marxist thugs with a large percentage having illegal access to groomed children in social care slaves..

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Who are UAF? One word SCUM!

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