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Lv 6
Dave asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Conservatives: Lets talk about false flag operations?

The pattern seems to be that whenever all the evidence points to a liberal doing something wrong, conservatives will correctly say "That liberal did something wrong!" But, whenever all the evidence points to a conservative doing something wrong, conservatives will delusionally say "False flag operation done by the liberals!"

Is this a sign of a mental disease (ie they don't know how stupid they sound) or just plain belligerence and combativeness (ie they know they're being ridiculous but are more interested in fighting than the truth)?

Conservatives, how would you treat a liberal that was as hypocritical as you are? Will you be mad if I treat you the same way?

18 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah, If Obama were Republican he could have tortured the AP reporter for information about the terrorists he was working with, but because he is a Democrat a legal investigation becomes interfering with the press.

    Ok people want examples. Abu Ghraib was not Bush's fault. Low level IRS employees selectively auditing applications is something Obama should have known about.

    US attorney firings.

    Patient neglect at Walter Reed Army Hospital

    Libby/Plame Affair (Outing a CIA agent)

    NSA warrantless wiretapping

    Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans

    Black sites and rendition

    SWIFT surveillance of international financial transactions.

    Cheney Energy Task Force (and hiding info about it)

    Just to name a few

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The question and comments have a lot of validity. The 'sore loser' factor in all of this can go back to Obamacare passing the 'smell test' in the Supreme Court - the Chief Justice was the deciding vote on the validity of the legislation the republican House brought to the SCOTUS, who agreed to 'hear' the arguements.

    The Chief Justice was right in his decision that although the language in the legislation was incorrect, it was NOT the job of the SCOTUS to invalidate the legislation simply because of a 'word' or 'phrase'.

    It is incumbent on the SCOTUS to keep legally passed bills from Congress to remain valid if at all possible.

    It was determined to be a 'tax' and not come under the heading using the 'commerce act' to make it valid. This being done validated Obamacare, and rightfully so - due process had won the day, regardless the two braindead conservative justices voted down the legislation out of hand - toeing the 'party line'.

    The neo-cons went nuts, like a bunch of kids in a sandbox - typical when they don't get their way.

    Source(s): Happens all the time, ever since the USA became infested with the neo-con philosophy, replacing true conservatism with a hybrid that is a mental virus and basically incurable.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You are manifestly wrong.

    The pattern VERY OBVIOUSLY IS that whenever all the evidence points to a liberal doing something wrong, liberals either say it was conservatives or DEFEND IT.

    You are unable to cite EVEN ONE instance where all the evidence points to a conservative doing something wrong and conservatives claimed otherwise and failed to STRONGLY REPUDIATE the act. In fact, you'll have trouble just FINDING a case where all the evidence points to a conservative.

  • 8 years ago

    Conservatives feel the only people who should be personally responsible are democrats! If a republican does it it must have been an honest mistake!

    Like Bush ignoring terrorism until 9/11/2001 was a mistake!

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  • I'd know what you were talking about if you could provide an example or two. Skiddish on details is the the pattern I've noticed with liberals. Generalities can't be addressed because there is no context to put them in.

  • Andrew
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This game played by both parties. So what is your point even to bring it up? Democrats doing very same thing. The only time democrat through somebody under the bus, is the time they see that they don't need that person or the person is corrupt to infinity and everyone knows it.

    Just drop both parties.

  • 8 years ago

    The only delusion here is how you don't provide any examples of all this. I'm guessing there is a pretty good reason, it would get in the way of the image of Conservatives you simply want to see, including your wanting to see "mental disease", "stupidity", and "delusion". That's all rational, logical evaluation, right? All you can provide is a vague smoke screen of attitude, hiding the insignificance of the argument of what's generating it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    How would I treat a liberal that was as hypocritical as I am? I'd congratulate them. That would be a huge improvement and a big step for them in becoming a decent person.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That's because the world was a Biblical paradise until Satan wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1948 under the pen name of Rousseau. (See, Satan was mad because Jesus wrote the Constitution in 1776, and everyone loved it.)

    That's also how night was invented....Satan throws his cape over the earth (the stars are little holes that let in Jesus beams), and that's when he sneaks house to house turning innocent Americans gay.

    Source(s): This is all in the Bible.
  • 5 years ago

    it somewhat is a tragic element that the media has allowed themselves to alter right into a gadget of the government. So noted as newshounds or opinion makers like Reagan, Limbaugh, Hannity & Colmes and particularly the entire gamut have conspired to enforce the thought that patriotism potential dutifully reporting in spite of fairy tale and lie the government tries to foist upon the prevalent public. the government has in easy terms to envoke "nationwide secure practices" and in spite of if the fact is general, it somewhat is going to be buried by utilising the corporate bosses of the media. in spite of if Reagan or any of those men had any doubts with regards to government propoganda, they are forced to flow alongside with this methodology. And all of us comprehend this methodology is enslavement of the folk by using intimidation, and concern.

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