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What do Mormons think about the musical called The Book Of Mormon?

I haven't seen it and probably won't. The reason is that I'm tired of South Park and I'm not in a big hurry to see any other work by the same people. I think South Park is overly preachy, like they are trying to shove some political agenda down my throat; I don't think it's funny anymore so I doubt if I would enjoy The Book Of Mormon.

I'm just curious as to what Mormons think about having a play/musical or whatever it is that apparently makes fun of their religion. Thanks.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I haven't seen it, but it does mock the church. You can listen to the song "I believe" on youtube. As if we find it hard to believe. What we find hard to believe, is that everyone isn't Mormon.

    Be warned that the song doesn't represent what we believe, but what atheists think we believe. It isn't accurate. It's offensive. I'll give it this much. The tune is catchy.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I've enjoyed watching south park including their episode on mormons. I have not seen their play (and will not). This is for one simple reason: I don't do plays/broadway/theater.

    My thoughts on their play are about the same as my thoughts on their episode on mormons. When you mix 70% of the truth with 15% made up stuff and 15% twisted history/ get something that can be very entertaining. However, you can't trust it to be factually correct. Especially because its usually the 30% made up/twisted "facts" that make the story entertaining. It would be like watching the Da Vinci Code and assuming those where the doctrines/belief's of all catholics. Did I enjoy the Da Vinci Code....yep...did I think it represented actual history and doctrine of catholics...nope.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Overall I think the play "The Book Of Mormon" is a positive play.

    There is a lot of profanity, and they do mock

    THE Church Of JESUS CHRIST Of Latter Day Saints


    the music is pretty good and the show tunes are snappy and the dancing numbers

    have a lot of spunk and over all there is a message of love sooooo...

    I have to give a thumbs up to the play "The Book Of Mormon". Chat.

    God bless

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