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1984 Chrysler radio wiring diagram?

How can I get a diagram/ schematic for the radio? This is an AM/FM/cassette from a 1984 van that I want to install in a 1983 van. I have a Chilton's manual but that doesn't I.D. the wires. I've looked on-line and only found adapters. I guess I could buy one, if I really need to. I'm stumped because there are two plugs on the back of the radio, and the one that looks like it's for the speakers only has six wires. Is one of the speakers connected to the other plug? Do two of the channels share the same ground? What color is for what speaker?

2 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Take a look at this I've used this wiring diagram for years and it's not failed me yet.

    There were some changes right around that time and you may have a compatibility problem if the '83 was not a four speaker stereo system and the '84 was.

    I use Schosche adaptors (found at Walmart in the automotive stereo section and other auto stores) for all my wiring, easy to use and install.

    Source(s): Fifty years of shadetree engineering, racing, and home auto repair, all Mopars mostly Dodges.
  • 8 years ago

    Chrysler don't make the radios which are installed in their vehicles, so no use looking there. As far as finding a wiring diagram - well, good luck, is all I can say. If you can buy an adapter, do it. But your best option is to take it to a car audio expert.

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