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Samantha asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

Any tips for potty training a puppy of a large breed dog?

I have a 10 week old American bulldog pup. I've tried covering the whole floor in papers & slowly making the area smaller. He goes wherever he wants still. I've ignored him when he goes on the floor & rewarded him for using the paper. Still goes where he wants. I've tried spankings (just a tap not beatings so don't go crazy animal lovers). Still doesn't care. When it comes to number 2 he always does that in his designated area, but when it comes to pee the whole world is his toilet. What should I do?


A tap on the thigh does not mean I'm going to punch my dog. He is not a human baby, dogs grow much faster. And believe me, this little tap means nothing to him anyway. He's like a little bear! He's so rambunctious he's hurt himself much worse than any little tap I've given him & I freak out and go to check him, sure he's broken something & it's nothing. He runs head first into stuff at full speed & doesn't even yelp! He just ignores it and carries on. I understand your consern, but honestly I'm not planning on beating any dog let alone one that will, one day, be almost as big as I am. A tap is just a way to show my displeasure, not unlike the taps that I've seen dog trainers use. He is not being beaten.

Update 2:

I don't have a fenced in yard. He had his second round of shots a few days ago & it is safe to take him out now, but it wasn't when we first go him. Since dogs in my neighborhood have had parvo, I didn't want to risk taking him out at first so we started trying to house train him with the pads & after checking websites that sugested covering the floor in newspaper & gradually making the area smaller, we've been trying that. But it looks like its time to trust that he will be safe to go outside. I really hoped to wait until his third set of shots but that's three weeks away and he's clearly getting some bad habits. So potty training outside starts today. Thank you all, even the ones who assumed I was a video gaming, first time dog owner that likes to beat innocent creatures, because tree really are sickos like that & well if I was one I would deserve to be told off. Thanks all.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hate to say it, but basically you are doing almost everything wrong, except the ignoring and the rewarding.

    1) Get rid of the papers. Dogs are not good at generalising and basically you are just teaching him that it is okay to go on the floor. The rule is: Peeing and pooping happens outside - never inside, not on papers, not on pee pads, not in litter boxes. Outside.

    2) He's still very young and might not have full bladder control yet, plus you've been confusing him with the papers on the floor. He's doesn't get it yet. It is YOUR job to keep an eye on him and take him out whenever he looks as if he's about to go. Also take him out at regular intervals, and right after he's slept, played and eaten. If he goes on the floor, spank yourself, not the dog. It is your fault for not keeping a proper eye on him, not his.

    3) Again. I realise that you are not beating your dog, just tapping him, but there's a risk of it back-firing. Puppies that have been punished for going inside the house might not understand WHY they are being punished, and it is easier for them to associate punishment with peeing and pooping in general, instead of punishment with peeing and pooping indoors in non-designated areas.

    This means that by punishing your pup before it understands what is expected of it, you risk that it will start to seek away from you to do it's business, which will not only be a hassle on walks when the dog is older, but also mean that the puppy will hide to do it's business indoors which makes the training infinitely more difficult. So no punishements. Ignoring is good. Remember to clean up all accidents with a cleaner that removes organic smell.

    4) Be patient. You are expecting way to much from a 10 week old pup. I've had a pup housebroken at 10 weeks old, but not all are. Usually it takes weeks before they get it and are able to control their bladders. It can even take months, it all depends on how consistent and vigilant you are with your training, and the individual dog. Just like babies, puppies need time to learn this.

  • 8 years ago

    When the vet says that your puppy cannot be taken outside until the injections/shots have taken effect. This does not mean that it cannot go into your safe fenced garden/yard. However, it must be kept away from other dogs and any area which could be contaminated.

    If you train it to pee and poo inside, it will do this in your house forever.

    I start toilet training a puppy as soon as I get it.

    A puppy must be taken out every hour, after it eats or drinks and after a nap. You must stay out with it until it has either a pee or a poo, then praise it and give it a treat.

    You should also take it out twice during the night. Having said that, I am always concerned that I won’t wake up. Consequently I dip newspaper in the urine that it has produced in the garden and I put this on top of a thick pad of newspaper. A puppy will be drawn to this due to the smell. However it’s just on the odd occasion that I fail to wake up.

    Nevertheless. my puppies are toilet trained from a very early age.

    Incidentally, it’s almost impossible to toilet train, if a puppy is left home alone.

  • 8 years ago

    You take him outside to go. Pee pads, newspaper... whatever is useless. Even if you're able to isolate the area, you're still teaching him peeing in the house is OK. The whole point of housetraining a dog is to teach it that peeing in the house is NOT ok, that peeing outside is the behavior we want.

    You take this dog out every two and a half or so hours. Make sure you go out about fifteen to twenty minutes after every meal, right when you wake up, right before bed... When he goes, praise him and reward him. Repeat..

    When he goes in the house immediately say a stern "NO" and put him outside. If it's poop you can even put it out on the lawn in order for him to smell it and realize this is where he should be going.

    Throw out the newspaper or pads.. They're counterproductive. Watch this dog and take him out regularly and he'll be potty trained soon enough. It takes time and patience, and pups don't have the best bladder control.. but this is what you signed up for and is the only "correct" way.

  • 8 years ago

    What's wrong with you spanking a pup would you spank a baby? Now stop that and listen because your dog is a lovely breed and you're confusing him. What does he know about paper when his ancestors played on grass and pood in dirt. All you need to do if it does'nt interfere with your TV and games is walk this pup after his morning meal and his evening meal you walk him outside until he poos and then 'hey good boy whoopsie' and no spanks you give him a piece of diced chicken. He needs excercise and it won't hurt you either and then his bowels will work.

    I associate spanking with the beginnings of smacking then punching so don't tell me as a dog lover not to tell you what I think, leave the pup alone.

    Source(s): Dog lover and rescuer.
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  • 8 years ago

    When your trying to train him a certain spot keep treats with you so every time he goes where you want you praise him so he will get used to that spot....that's what I did with my dogs and its worked with everyone

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    I have a very stubborn boy and I was able to "potty train" him in less than a week. I followed this method

    I hope it helps

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