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What sound will the PS4 controller headphone jack be outputting?

I'm a little confused on what the headphone jack on the PS4 controller will be doing. Will it output the regular TV sound from the game/ect.? Will it be outputting people talking on their mic? If it does actually use the games sound then that would be amazing. I would love to just plug my headphones in and play a game to get the full quality sound and not have my TV loud enough where everyone can hear.

Do you know what it will be for?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sony already said every PS4 will come included with a mic headset..and also a mic built into the dual-camera, not only does this mean online interactions can be more social, but it also means voice commands can be implement into games by developers with full knowledge that all players have mic access. So I'm guessing the Speaker in Controller will be for TV/Game

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