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At AT&T, if you want a phone, do you pay only for the 2 year contract? PLEASE CLICK!?

Or is there more money to pay? In example, a Galaxy S IV is 100 dollars if I trade in my phone, But the Galaxy needs a contract. Do I only pay the 100 dollars, or more?

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago

    It means you give your old phone to A T&T but then you get a discount on the Samsung 4. You would pay $100 and taxes for the new phone. However you also agree to a 2 year service with A T&T. That means each month you pay a voice plan, text plan and internet data plan for 2 years. For a single cell phone line you are talking about 80 to 90 dollars a month. Can you afford to pay $80 to $90 dollars each month for 2 years ?

    If you are unable to pay at any time, you will be charge a termination fee of $350.00

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