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What did you think of the Xbox One E3 conference?

I found it really disappointing. I didn't find the games that interesting. Only Project Spark really looked cool to me. And I felt so bad for the guy showing off Battlefield 4.

I just wish they wouldn't have showed off the damn voice command. They are really pushing that aren't they? But seriously, WHO will even use voice command?

I did however liked that they use Twitch to live stream. But I can deal with Ustream as the PS4 is going with.

Anyway, what were your thoughts?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Project Spark seems to be just an updated version of Minecraft, I thought Microsoft's Xbox E3 Conference was decent enough. Reprise of Killer Instinct and Capcom's Dead Rising 3 where the only two games that got my attention for Microsoft's Xbox One, everything else is pretty common place.

    Source(s): I'm a video game critic, it's kinda; my job.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    seen less gay crap at a gay bar ^_^ lol no offense to gays

    mostly if they can deliver what they promise then i dont see any problem

    but frankly id sooner trust my life in the hands of mass murder than xbox

    personal info

    most of the games seems like it is the same as 360

    ill wait till others waste there money on it before i buy one myself

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