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If you buy a phone at AT&T with a two year contract, do you pay more? MORE INFO! CLICK PLEASE!?

I saw this phone, it's 100 dollars with a two year contract, do I pay more than 100 dollars? (Bills,etc?)

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cell phones are $599+... thats full price...

    now, if you get a contract phone, then that means you obligate yoruself to that 1 wireless carrier for 2 years.... and in exchange for your awesome loyalty, they will take that $599+ phone... and change you $100, or $199, or $99, or $49, or $149,. or $299, or $249... depending on the phone you want.... the prices you see on TV, online, and even of over the radio are all contract prices... because come on---- what stupid retarded person would buy a cell phone if they heard $599 or $699. lmfao... you'll learn marketing sooner or later

    and btw... if you break the contract, you are charged $350 ETF FEE... so, if you think you plan on screwing the carrier over.... i dont think so. lmao your FICO Credit Score will be ruined before their image is tarnished. lmao

    Source(s): 5 years wireless tech, see us on Facebook
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