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Ps4 conference... Wow. Did they crush Microsoft or what?

I'm a PS3 fan, but this morning I watched the Xbox conference with an open mind. But just now, the PS4 conference BLEW Xbox away. What are your thoughts? I want this console right now!

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the aspect of a gaming console the Ps4 destroyed the Xbox One. This is coming from a Xbox 360 owner. Microsoft was aiming for an entertainment system to replace all other entertainment systems. I think thats why

  • Chris
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    All they had to do to win E3 (and I'm kind of disappointed they didn't), was simply copy the PS1 conference from 1995 - the famous: "299" (walks offstage).

    "Used games" (walks offstage). Would have been every bit as epic.

    But yea, as of right now it almost seems like the next gen war is going to be decided before the boxes even hit the shelves. The negative feedback for the One's policy's is backlash I haven't seen since Sega's Saturn ambush.

    My one and only complaint about the PS4 is that Plus is now mandatory to play multiplayer online. I get WHY (it's a major source of income and a way to recoup some of the investment in the hardware and infrastructure), and if they're expecting a lot of people to jump ship from the MS camp, they're used to paying anyways, so.. I get it.. but I am disappointed. Free online was one of the PS3's biggest positives to me. Though if they increase the Plus freebie perks I suppose I'll live with it since I've been subscribed to plus for said perks for some time now.

  • 8 years ago

    I own a 360 and I have to converting to PS4. Sony blew Microsoft out of the waters tonight. And what sold me on the PS4: $399 and used games! Woohoo!

  • 8 years ago

    I've always been an xbox freak and my husband ps freak. And today I "converted". The ps4 blew my mind! Used games, cheaper , no restrictions, etc. They want to be the best, and this is definetly a leap forward!

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  • perdew
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    So drama like~~ i'm hoping hes warm ;) He sounds warm -crosses arms pleasepleaseplease dont jinx this- That replaced into harsh awhh i've got confidence undesirable on your pal...your specific she doesnt have a situation with you liking this guy?? if so~~ ask him out or hint which you like him or something by fact im confident he likes you yet whilst moving right into a relationship you ought to evaluate whether or no longer your prepared to be extreme sturdy success my expensive the guy likes you :3

  • 8 years ago

    yes yes they did wow for $400 and no used games fees they just got pwned

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