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? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 8 years ago

I need Vegetarians! Please fill out survey :)?

am currently a year 11 student and for my research project I have chosen to create a survey. My topic for the research project is ‘what are some of the reasons people choose not to eat meat.’ I would really appreciate it if you could take some time to fill out my survey. Your answers will remain anonymous.

Q1. What is your age?




30 or more

Q2. What is your gender?



Q3. What meat don’t you eat? (can tick multiple answers)

• Beef

• Lamb

• Pork/Bacon

• Seafood

• Rabbit

• Chicken or other types of birds

• All of the above

• Other, please specify________

Q4.What are some of the reasons you choose not to eat meat? (can tick multiple answers)

• Religious Reasons

• Don’t like the taste/smell/texture

• Don’t like the way the animal is treated or killed

• Body image- don’t want to put on weight by eating meat

• Family or peer pressure

• Saving money

• Other..........

Q5. What sorts of food do you eat as an alternative to meat?

Q6. Are there any benefits or disadvantages of not eating meat?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Q1. What is your age?

    12-17 <- 17



    30 or more

    Q2. What is your gender?


    Female <-

    Q3. What meat don’t you eat? (can tick multiple answers)

    • Beef

    • Lamb

    • Pork/Bacon

    • Seafood

    • Rabbit

    • Chicken or other types of birds

    • All of the above <-

    • Other, please specify________

    Q4.What are some of the reasons you choose not to eat meat? (can tick multiple answers)

    • Religious Reasons

    • Don’t like the taste/smell/texture

    • Don’t like the way the animal is treated or killed <-

    • Body image- don’t want to put on weight by eating meat

    • Family or peer pressure

    • Saving money

    • Other..........

    Q5. What sorts of food do you eat as an alternative to meat? Fruit is perfect food.

    Q6. Are there any benefits or disadvantages of not eating meat? Absofrutely.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm Pescetarian considering/ trying to transition to Vegan... not sure if my answers are applicable, but here we go.

    Q1. What is your age?


    Q2. What is your gender?


    Q3. What meat don’t you eat? (can tick multiple answers)

    • Beef (NO)

    • Lamb (NO)

    • Pork/Bacon (NO)

    • Seafood (YES)

    • Rabbit (NO)

    • Chicken or other types of birds (NO)

    • All of the above

    • Other, please specify________

    Q4.What are some of the reasons you choose not to eat meat? (can tick multiple answers)

    • Religious Reasons

    • Don’t like the taste/smell/texture

    • Don’t like the way the animal is treated or killed (YES)

    • Body image- don’t want to put on weight by eating meat (HEALTH- not really "body image"

    • Family or peer pressure

    • Saving money

    • Other.......... (HEALTH)

    Please see Lu's answer. Pretty much on point.

    Q5. What sorts of food do you eat as an alternative to meat?

    Tofu, veggie burgers. Mostly I just eat more veggies (veggie sandwiches, veggie stir-fries, etc)

    Q6. Are there any benefits or disadvantages of not eating meat?

    Meat is delicious, so I miss the taste. However, I feel much lighter and energized, my skin looks fantastic and my eyes are clear. I have more mental clarity and it has forced me to get creative with food. I can honestly say I feel much better than when I ate meat.

    I also live happily knowing that I am reducing the negative impact on the environment from factory farming. Also, I like animals...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Q1. What is your age?


    Q2. What is your gender?


    Q3. What meat don’t you eat?

    All of the above, (I also don't eat eggs, and eat very little dairy products), I won't eat any living creature with a nervous system.

    Q4.What are some of the reasons you choose not to eat meat? (can tick multiple answers)

    • Don’t like the way the animal is treated or killed

    • Other..........

    The environment (less greenhouse gases emitted from producing a vegan based diet, a 10th of the land is needed to make the same amount of calories from plants compared to meat or other animal products, the production of meat uses about 3x the water compared to plant based foods)

    Health (a whole foods plant based diet can be used to prevent, treat or reverse many of the chronic diseases of the western diet: diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, gout, arthritis, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, etc..)

    Antibiotic resistance (antibiotics is a wonderful weapon we have to save lives, but it becomes less effective as bacteria develop resistance, most of this is because many factory farmed animals are fed antibiotics to make them grow faster, intact 80% of the antibiotics used in the US are fed to animals)

    World hunger... We would have more than enough food and resources for everyone if we all lived on just simple unprocessed plant based foods.

    Q5. What sorts of food do you eat as an alternative to meat?

    There is a common misconception that vegetarians need to replace meat with something high in protein. It's is not true. Potatoes contain enough protein for us to live off... Of course a diet should be varied so maybe potatoes and the also rice and then corn would produce a more balanced picture of the basis of my diet. The world health organization recommends 0.6g/kg of your body weight as the amount of protein your body needs per day, now a 74kg female needs a 2100cal per day, if you eat this many calories in potatoes (boiled) then you get enuf protein.

    Q6. Are there any benefits or disadvantages of not eating meat?

    Disadvantages are that you are different, and being different sometimes is awkward. I.e someone might bring some baking to work and offer you some, but it has eggs in it so you decline... Some people are offended by the rejection of their food, as its kind of a way of mingling socially... Food infact is a very social thing and therefor it's sometime a bit anti-social, just because your a minority most of the time. If vegetarians were the majority them it would be anti social to be a meat eater... This model can be seen in smoking... In the past smoking was a social activity, now smokers are not allowed to smoke in bars, restaurants, pubs, workplaces etc... smoking is considered antisocial in most situations (unless of course your a smoker in a smokers area).


    As above with health, ethics (not hurting other living feeling beings), the environment, antibiotic resistance etc.

    Source(s): Me Earthlings (movie) Forks over knives (movie) The starch solution (book by dr Mcdougall)
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