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Why do the x-JW's on this site keep promoting the JW's ?

I have noted that there are several who are not JW's who see through it , they may or may not agree with JW's but they see it for what it is , hate.

If they hate JW's so much why do they keep promoting JW's ?

Do they want JW's to answer & people with a fair mind to read it & want to know more about JW's ?

There is a saying any publicty is good publicty , are they really promoting Jehovah's Witnesses ?



I am yet to see even one.

Update 2:


So your religion is so pure ?

Look inwards , are you calling them in to abuse them ?

No religion is immune to child abuse , are you sure your so pure & holy ?

In words maybe .

12 Answers

  • Kye
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well they sure love calling our name at any given opportunity ~ even if it's to insult us.

    Honestly; Their hate-filled obsession is rather sad. You'd think that if they're done with us, they'd leave us alone. But instead - they constantly talk about us and research about us. Why? I would sure love to know.

    It's like a married couple, for whatever reason, divorced and while one of the mates is off trying to find someone else - the other constantly talks about their ex-mate at any chance they get.

    Source(s): An Unbaptized Jehovah's Witness
  • 8 years ago

    They don't, they promote truth. But the Jehovah's witnesses can't understand what the truth is. They don't have the Holy Spirit to guide them. They rely on men to guide them just as you do.

    As for my religion, I have none. I am a Christian, I believe in Jesus Christ and what he did for us on the Cross, his finished works on the Cross. As if you would have any ideal what that means. I know the Jehovah's Witness do not. But then a Jehovah's Witness can lie, cheat and do all sort s of bad things in this life and it's OK. Why? Because they believe that Jesus died to pay for the inherited sin and that their own death pays for their sins. So they can sin all they want too and they will be resurrected or I should say remade from memory in the thousand year Rein of Christ to a second chance. Can you spell hogwash or even brain washed?

    Sunshine, I am an OPPOSER and I don't do any of the stuff you accuse opposers of doing. I am saved and am righteous, if you don't believe that, then ask Jesus because he says that I am! You answer my questions and yet you block me. I give you truth and you call me names. I give you Bible knowledge and you give me verses filtered by men called the FDS, really? When you learn what Romans 6 really is all about, then you will know what I am saying is true. May the Holy Spirit come upon you and open your eyes to the truth. I feel so sorry for all of the Jehovah's Witness that have come under this deceptive religion. I love you enough to keep on trying to give you the truth. Even with all you name calling and not telling the truth about us. You see that our love of you as hate, but what you can't see is that we do love you. What we hate is the deception and the lies and distortion of the truth. We love the Light but hate the dark!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have a few on my case right now, because I was trying to help a fence sitter. My objective and goal was to block all of them and have nothing to do with them. I also didn't want to even bring up the word apostate or ex-Jw on here and just witness. Easier said than done. Esp when you have them lying about you and even going to JW questions and lying. One can only hope that other JWs block them (a couple are commenting on your question right now even) and ignore it when they say stuff about our brothers and sisters on here.

    But the way that they act clearly identifies them to reasonable people as vile in their actions. And the lies that they tell are unbelievable. It is hard not to respond for the benefit of others, but I think it is best to just avoid them altogether.

    And poor Alex here is only 14 years old and very serious about his beliefs. But some of them were picking on him recently. One who gave him a hard time is a Baptist, school teacher who is middle aged. The guy is religious, works with children and made up embarassing lies about a 14 year old kid.

    As a teacher, if a student was bullying a fellow student he would be called on to discipline the bully. Then he would go home and pick on a young teenager over the internet.

    We just have to remind ourselves that there are reasonable people who are observing what goes on on here and they notice things like that. And not let them get to us, because when they smell blood...well that goes without saying. But you know what? A real Christian who "smells blood" will go and get bandages and help the wounded.

    What they do does end up backfiring. A guy who I know was studying with us. His room mate go a hold of apostate literature and when they went to the source and compared what they literature said to what the actual quote in our publication was, it turned out that they inserted a period where a comma should've been. It totally changed the context and was a very clever way of lying. Like the difference of these two quotes: "The fool says in his heart there is no god" and "there is no god." Same words but those few extra words in the first changes the context entirely.

    Anyway, the man became a baptized brother and the room mate said: "It isn't for me but I can see they have been lied about." Many years later he called the brother up and said that whenever anyone insults us, he always defends us and he said: "I almost got in a fist fight defending you recently."

  • 8 years ago

    If you think:

    Shunning people,

    Hiding pedophiles,

    Children being abused but no action is taken because 2 witnesses didn't see it happen,

    Children refused blood transfusions and consequently die,

    Failed prophecies and failed Armaggedon dates,

    Masturbation leads to homosexuality belief in the your youth book,

    Masturbation is evil,

    Every non Jw is serving satan,

    Every one that has been witnessed to by a Jehovah's Witness and says no thank you will be destroyed at Armaggedon,

    Judge rutherford believed Abraham and co were going to be raised from

    The dead in 1925 and he built a house for them.

    Charles Taze russel believed in the pyramids came up with a false date of the end of the world, then conveniently changed it to Jesus came invisibly.

    Is good publicity and that people are going to be interested in your CULT then you are really blinded.

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  • Mimi
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    'Any publicity is good publicity' ?

    Not to the Watchtower.

    If the Watchtower believed that, they wouldn't go to lengths to hide the negative information and history about the organization from followers and prospective recruits...image is everything to the Watchtower.

    Being exposed for covering up pedophilia,false prophesies,breaking up families through extreme shunning and letting children die because of the blood ban doesn't do the Watchtower any good. .it has in fact awakened many JWs to the real truth about the organization..

    That is the reason why the Watchtower discourages followers from discussing their religion on the internet.

    Source(s): JW enlightened by the 'publicity'
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So you think asking embarrassing questions about JW faith, from inside knowledge is promoting the JW faith?

    Now, that really is BLIND faith.

  • 8 years ago

    If they left the Organization then why would they promote it? Common sense. They wouldn't.

    The Organization had 2 false prophesies about the Apocalypse. Is that not proof enough>

  • 8 years ago

    Hi Pops,

    I am a FIRM believer that there's no such thing as bad publicity. I know and respect there are some of my brothers that disagree but I remember as a child when I would say I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and my little school friends would say "What?! What's a Jehovah's Witnesses," They had never heard of us, they had no idea what a "JEHOVAH" was and it seemed impossible that my tiny religion would one day be so well known that no matter where you went in the world people knew who we are, who we worship and the basics about our message. It is a miracle and that miracle is in part thanks to Jehovah being able to turn the yapping mouths of opponents from bad to good.

    And this is what you've pinpointed... remember we're looking for the one in a thousand. That's the figure for every 1000 people on earth one is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, so it stands to reason for about every 1000 people we have contact with, only one will be sheeplike. And yes, these rare and precious jewels are sitting there and thinking "What's going on?!" Why so much hatred? Why in a world of so much misery pain and suffering are these clean living decent people the objects of such venemous attacks? And you know what they do? They look into it. And no they don't just go to anti-witness hate sites and if they do they see them for what they are. I have gotten emails from individuals who have written me directly and asked for information BECAUSE they have been to such sites and picked up on the stench of bigotry and hatred and wanted some balanced input. I have recieved emails from people right here on Yahoo who are puzzeled and want to know more about my religion.

    You see the "one in a thousand" have travelled some of the road already, they don't buy propoganda, they have what I call a "truth" monitor, they know when they are being manipulated, lied to, bamboozeled, they know when someone is trying to tell them what to think, warn them not to investigate, shame them into not listening... I know because that is why they're looking in the first place.

    I see opposers here, with their gang mentality, their sexual base joking (many of them reveal really dirty minds), their mockery, their ganging on idividuals and shamelessly baiting. Truth doesn't need to lie and pretend (they pretend to be confused teenagers (all the time), they pretend to be bible studies, they pretend to be interested persons, they pretend to be abuse victims, they pretend to be concerned for our wellbeing ... and yes, they even prentend to be Jehovah's Witnesses (for about 5 minutes until someone expresses hatred for us and the organization and they just can't resist expressing their joy)... but with every pretense they lower their chances of being respected by those whose respect is valuable... people whose "gut" picks up when someone is pretending!

    I have been personally and publically called every name under the sun (on one occassion I had no idea what the insult meant, someone had to actually explain it since it was not language I was bought up hearing nor do I expose myself to)... but far from taking it personally, I KNOW there is a chance that that "one in a thousand" is reading... watching and coming to the right conclusion. Why do I know that? because Jesus said not one of his sheep will go missing. And if I have to lay down and be someone's stepping stone so they can bridge the gap and find Jehovah, then brilliant. Not because I will engage with these people (I'm through with any contact whatsoever with them) but my hope is by providing clear answers and pertinent questions someone somewhere will be curious enough to learn more.

    If for every thousand of my answers, a light goes on for just one such person, that figure* sounds just about right to me and I'll be happy. Let apostates celebrate the 999 - we aren't looking for them anyway - the one thousandth will NOT be fooled.

    The slander won't stick.

    The insults don't hurt

    The propaganda will fail

    The lies will eventually be exposed.

    ... but the NAME will not be forgotten.

    All praise to the King!

    ((( Pops)))


    Source(s): 34,000 points? That's about 10,000 answers ...? Which would be about 10 people @ 1/1000. Who knows one of the ten might be reading this thread right now.
  • They arent really ex-JW

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I know of several who have seen the JWs exposed on Yahoo and woken up

    from their delusional thinking .

    Its truly comical to post a question and flush out the cult speak from JW apologists

    honest hearted straight thinking ones can easily see their hypocrisy .

    Its so easy to debunk the JWs 50 different ways .









    Source(s): 50 yrs a JW then I did the honest research and learned it was a cunning scam
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