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Same Sex Marriage in Canada?

As we know, same sex marriage is an ongoing debate in the U.S. One issue is the coexistence of same sex marriage and churches. Canada already has same sex marriage. Does anybody know the relationship between this law and the Catholic, Protestant and any other traditional marriage churches in Canada? Please, no joke answers.

2 Answers

  • Lily R
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Churches and other religious institutions have the right to refuse to perform a same-sex marriage but must make that clear to couples beforehand.

    There was one case a few years ago where two lesbians had booked a wedding and a few days before the wedding day the church realised the couple was gay and refused to perform it. The couple took the church to court, the church was required to give the couple a full refund of the couple's money but was told it was not required to perform the ceremony if it did not wish too.

    Basically the church and religious institutions are left to decide whether or not they wish to perform a same-sex ceremony or not.

    Source(s): I would provide the source of the news story but it was a while ago and I can't seem to find it.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i replaced into relationship a female in Ontario and that i asked her this same question. additionally my buddy up in Toronto. They the two look to think of that it will stay. particular, it is a warm subject count and that i'm hoping the Canadians are as open minded as we human beings wish and vote to maintain the regulation intact. I knew relating to the vote yet did not comprehend while it replaced into so thank you for the replace. you are able to guess, i would be keeping look ahead to the outcomes. sturdy success, Canada!!!!!!!!!!!! What i would be unable to comprehend is why they could pass this regulation and then attempt to take it away particularly much as quickly because it surpassed?????????????????

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