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What are the fees you pay at AT&T when you buy a phone with a two year contract? PLEASE READ/ FIVE STARS!?

I'm waiting to buy HTC first, with a two year contract. Beside the 99 cent price tag, I want to know what other fees I have to pay, like the activation fee. I also want to know the prices, if you know it. I will give 5 stars to the best answer. Sadly, no one gives me a right answer..

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you already have service with AT&T and are just buying a new phone, you will pay for the phone and a one-time activation fee, currently $36 for AT&T. Generally your service will stay the same, although if you are buying a smartphone for the first time AT&T currently requires a certain minimum level of data service to receive the discount on the device, so you may have to upgrade your monthly service.

    If you are getting service with AT&T for the first time and you are getting postpaid service (i.e., you will use your phone during the month and get a bill at the end for the amount that you used), this will generally require a credit check and possibly some sort of deposit (which is essentially insurance for them so that if you don't pay your bill at the end of the month they will be able to recover some of what you owe). However, if you are getting prepaid service (i.e., you will pay for the service before you use it rather than after) there shouldn't be any deposit required as you will have already paid for the service you are using upfront.

  • 8 years ago

    I have my iPhone 5 through AT&T but currently broke my contract due to not being affordable anymore. Basically they run a credit check first to see what your deposit will be. Deposit is usually from 100-1000 dollars but unless your credit is just flat out pitiful it'll usually be 100 dollars. Then you pay a small price on the phone you want and the plan you get set up for. My starting price was 300 something dollars I believe but I went with the lowest data plan, unlimited talk and text

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