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Sex life with my wife is boring?

We have been married almost 6 years now. Our sex life consists of sex on the same day each week. ( if she isn't busy on that day). We do a little foreplay and than missionary. I have talked with her about trying to change things up and have asked what she likes or what we could change. Her response was she likes missionary. That took several talks and she quickly changes the subject if I bring it up or claims all I think about is sex. I just don't want our sex life to feel like a chore. Any advice would be helpful.


I think cheating isn't the way to go. I am just not built that way.

Update 2:

@Sola I would love to. The issue is the one time I tried something like that she freaked. Her idea of changing things up is we once had sex on the couch instead of the bed. I try hard to change things she just wont have it.

Update 3:

@Patrick as far as I know nothing like that has ever happened.

15 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ask her if she feels comfortable you need to make time for each other, maybe go for a walk or picnic and then let it lead to the bedroom she might want to try new things but be scared. Missionary is the easy way out let her know shes loved and that you will wait for when she is ready, DON'T CHEAT LIKE SOME OF THESE PEOPLE ARE SAYING. Its not the way out. You marriage is normal sex goes down hill when your married :) haha good luck x

  • If you're only having sex with your "wife" once a week the your marriage is a sham and you need to either cheat on her or dump her a.s.a.p.

  • 5 years ago

    Boring Sex Life

  • large
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Boring Wife

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  • 7 years ago

    I am glad I found this and am looking forward to more suggestions. I have been married 12 years and you described my marriage almost to a T. the only difference is that if it was once a week I would be thrilled for at least that. I love my wife, and everything else about my wife but I hate our sex life. Everything that has been written on this I have read and made part of my life. I do all house work. Am a great dad. Romance. Massages. You name it, I do it. Still our sex life gets worse each day. She just has zero desire. When I finally get her in the mood she wants to do nothing but the same. Its getting to the point that I no longer want it, its just not worth the work, and that's a problem...

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Sex life with my wife is boring?

    We have been married almost 6 years now. Our sex life consists of sex on the same day each week. ( if she isn't busy on that day). We do a little foreplay and than missionary. I have talked with her about trying to change things up and have asked what she likes or what we could change. Her...

    Source(s): sex life wife boring:
  • 8 years ago

    __ Well My friend You are gonna have to find a smooth way to pique her interest. Because this is one area where nagging or demands rarely find success. So I suggest You try something fun and naughty like playing some **Adult** board games. You know the ones that as You play give hints on little things for you guys to try as the game goes on. There's 1 I know of and it's called the **Karma Sutra Game**. It really can be a lot of fun to play and let Me tell You... These are the 0nly games where You can actually WIN by losing. ((L0L)) You get it? So give it a shot! This may be just the solution You were looking for. At least I hope this helps... ~Peace~

    Source(s): Just stop by any adult book store or type (Best Romantic Board Games) into Your search engine. :)
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This is why I don't date guys for longer than a year. It becomes boring and there's nothing you guys can do to spice up your sex life. It's gone stale and you'll now have to rely on love alone to hold your marriage together.

    Good luck!

  • 8 years ago

    Take her to the mall and have sex in a changing room, maybe some adventure will spice things up and turn your sex life around.

  • 8 years ago

    Buy the book: the Married Man Sex Life Primer. Read it. Live it. MAP like a son-of-a-***** (MAP = Male Action Plan).

    That book saved my marriage AND my sex life.

    Source(s): Married 12 years.
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