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Can anyone translate this document? Possible Czeck.?

I found this among my mother's papers. Her mother was Hungarian but originally from a Czechoslovakian area village. I can't make heads or tails out of this and Google translate isn't doing any better. The only areas not shown are the margins of this document. I've very curious.


Update 2:

If your answer would include a few details as in who, where and when this event happened, I would really appreciate that also.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    keresztelési kivonat - baptismal extract

    egyházmegye - diocese: Gömöri református egyházmegye - Gömöri Reformed church

    vármegye - county: Zólyom

    Szutor-Bellényi Református egyház kereszteltjeinek anyakönyve 1903 évről (archaic - beautiful:) - birth registration of baptized' in Szutor-Bellényi Reformed Church

    a keresztelt/the baptized:

    év, hó, nap/year, month, day: 1903 január 6/11 - 6 (birth)/11(baptism) January 1903

    neve/name: T. Huszti Ilonka; leány - girl, törvényes/legitimate (child) [and not törvénytelen/misbegotten:)]

    szülök neve, foglalkozása, vallása/parents' names, occupation, religion: T. Huszti János és neje/and his wife Balyo Apollónia; bellényi református/Bellényi Reformed Church, földművesek/farmers

    lakhely, házszám/residence, number: Bellény 9

    keresztszülők/godparents: T. Huszti István és neje/and his wife Figei Rozália, bellényi lakosok/residents of Bellény

    keresztelő/baptiser (priest): Jósfai Dénes helybeli/local ev(angélikus), református lelkész/Lutheran, Reformed Pastor

    kelt/date: Szutor, 1925. március/March 6.

    Székely Bertalan, református lelkész/Reformed pastor

    Have you ever heard about Trianon? (Treaty of Trianon)

  • 8 years ago

    Its a document written in SLOVAK and Hungarian. First is Slovak then its translated in Hungarian. Hungarians are a huge minority living in southern Slovakia. Its a birth and christening certificate. All the writing is done in Hungarian. The place Bellény seems to be a hungarian name for a slovak village Belín )

    Diecéza = Diocese ................baptism certificate................ Sväzok = bundle, Strana = page

    Zupa = Local administrative unit

    z roku 1903 = from a year 1903

    Bežné čislo = common number (no idea what it means)

    date of birth : January 6, 1903

    date of christening : January 11, 1903

    meno = name ... pohlavie = gender ... ženské = female

    zákonný = legal ... nezákonný = illegal (might mean something else)

    Rodičov meno, zamestnanie, náboženstvo a rodisko = Parent's name, occupation, religion and birthplace

    Bydlisko, čislo domu = residence, street number

    Krstní rodičia = Christening parents

    Krstitel = Baptist

    Poznámka = note

    The bottom line is a current date and validating the document

    Dátum = date ..... dňa = day .... mesiaca = month .... roku = year

  • 8 years ago

    This document is written in 2 languages:

    Hungarian and Czech.

    The top 2 lines mean baptismal record.

    The top line is in Czech, the bottom is in Hungarian.

    So this is most certainly a copy of your

    mother's baptismal certificate.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It doesn't look like Czech to me? Some parts do, but it actually looks like a different language, maybe that's the Hungarian?

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Systrans translator (excuse my spelling if incorrect) is superb. in case you opt for a guy or woman to translate you will pay expert translators on that website or many others. google it.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It's a christening or baptismal certificate.

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