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Lv 4
? asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

St.Bernard and summer heat?

how do i cool my st.bernard dog down? I usually walk him to the dug out so he can swim, he always has water available..i can NOT bring him in the house. He has ticks galore and sheds..what else can i do for him??


Hey i love my dog, He is a FARM dog. If he comes in my house he will attack my cats and my mums Parrot. I never bring a dog in the house. I've never met anyone who does... I asked for advice on how to cool him off, not having people pound on me to get rid of him ._.

Update 2:

Seriously?? dogs DONT belong indoors thats just gross. Has anyone lived on a farm and know what a farm dog is like?? obviously not..

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep him brushed out as much as possible to allow for good air flow against his skin, and make sure he has plenty of access to shade and fresh water at all times of the day. (This might mean staying home all day to make sure that he is in a place that has shade at all times of the day as the sun moves.) Do NOT take him to a groomer and have all of his hair shaved off. Dogs use their fur for an insulator against heat as much as they do for an insulator against the cold. If you need to take him for walks, try and do so in the early morning or late evening when it is cool outside and the hot pavement won't hurt his feet. If he likes water, you might consider putting a kiddie pool in the yard for him to get into with his feet if he feels too warm. I have also seen some pet beds that are made of a mesh material but sit up off the ground to provide ventilation (not sure if you can get one large enough for a St. Bernard, though). On really hot days, we used to hose my dog down with cool water, but she never really liked it and just preferred to lay in the shade. A well-built and insulated dog house that is located in the shade might also help to provide a cool retreat for your pup. I'm sure he will be just fine!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You could put ice cubes in his water bowl, or set up a kiddie pool with a sprinkler. Or you can have him shaved.

    But honestly, I think you should take some time and money and actually take care of your dog. First wash him with flea/tick shampoo, then go through him inch by inch removing the ticks that are left on him. Then use frontline monthly so this doesn't happen again. After all that you should take him to a veterinarian to have his bloodwork checked to make sure he doesn't have Lyme disease or heart worm, if he does have either you'll have a lot of work/money spending to do. Also if you brushed him daily/every other day then shedding wouldn't be a problem and you can bring him INSIDE! Dogs don't belong outside, especially st. Bernard's shouldn't be in heat for long periods of time. If you don't want to spend time brushing him then take him to the groomers every 4-6 weeks for a puppy cut or a completely shave down.

    Cooling him down is the least of your problems, if he's covered in ticks he should get medical attention ASAP!! Lyme disease if not caught early can cause him to deteriorate quickly and you might end up losing him!! One tick can cause lyme, so imagine what "ticks galore" could mean to your big guy!

    If you cannot afford to take care of him, or don't want to please please PLEASE find him a home that will!! I'm sure that there are some low cost veterinarians near you that can help you get the care he needs, if not find a St. Bernard rescue, no kill shelter or a new owner that will take care of him and make him part of their family, exactly like he should be!

    Source(s): Worked in a Veterinarians Office, Currently own 3 dogs and do rescue for neglected/abused dogs and parrots
  • 8 years ago

    I have a German Shepherd that sheds like CRAZY. We also had to live with him during a tick INFESTATION and there were ticks everywhere you looked!

    But no, I was ready for the commitment of having a dog and we didn't put him outside in the 100 degree Florida weather! I had to bathe him, as well as my other dogs over and over, get a pest control involved, and vacuum all the time! It was a living hell.

    I lived through it, so can you. Your dog is living uncomfortably and I suggest you do something about it. Give him to a better home because you obviously can't take care of him.

  • hills
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Why do you have a dog if they aren't allowed in the house?

    Your reasoning is shedding? So why would you get a shedding dogs.

    Your dog has ticks galore? We're you planning on doing anything about that?

    Some people should never get dogs. Either bring your dog inside, or find another home who's willing to actually take care of their dog.

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  • What's gross is allowing your dog to be covered in ticks that are sucking all his blood and causing lots of problems.

    If you refuse to do the humane thing and bring your dog inside then make sure he has water and a place to rest with lots of shade. I've never owned long haired dogs but I think that shaving may help.

  • 8 years ago

    you can get him bathed and ticks treated, brush him often and let him in the house..... Or get him a doghouse.

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