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Hm, so what types of neighbors do you have?

Well, there are mainly families in my neighborhood. You know, baby cries and yelling sounds are all over the place every day. There's this creepy couple though...

*wearing my glasses and being serious instantly*

They sleep all day and they party all night. I wouldn't have a problem unless they had such a bad taste in music.

*taking off my glasses and looking puzzled*


Glad I asked this question. You all have epic neighbors! :D

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since we're so far out in the country... we have only two other properties that adjoin ours, and both houses are over 3/4 of a mile from ours.

    - A nice young couple renting my brother's house (he had to relocate to Nevada for work).

    - An very nice, ancient couple (late 70s)... the owners of the Lyon Ranch.

    Once and awhile when the wind is right... we can hear music from a neighbor almost 2 miles away... amusing 'cause he listens to Classic 80s Rock /Pop.

    The SOUNDS we normally hear from neighbors... cows lowing, goat-bells clanking, and the occasional tractor-puttering.

  • 8 years ago

    I have the what I like to call "younger generation neighbors" across the street.. young couple starting a family I like them a lot. To my left I have the "retired neighbors" the type as a kid if me and my buddys stepped in their lawn we would have the police threatened to be called on us. To my right I have the same type of family as mine. Kids finished with college looking to find a job in this terrible economy so they have no job and still live with mom and pop (like myself).

  • B
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The constant DIY-ers (but only in Summer when the weather is lovely and you actually go into the garden to enjoy the quiet - that's when they strike)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    in the apartments, and the condo down the block, some seniors, and lots of little kids. me and my faction are their guardian angels ! one lady has a nice lunch for us at the tables outside on saturdays . i love her, ha ha ha !

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Mine are all on section 8 and have more kids than they can afford. Essentially, I pay part of their rent while I barely get by.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Besides the annoying dogs, I've only met one. She was nice.

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