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Update: SCOTUS decides against UT Austin in affirmative action case. Your thoughts?

The supreme court ruled that UT Austin did not meet the requirements for strict scrutiny in their affirmative action plan.

In other words, there are other non race related metrics they could have used to solve the problem equally well.

Your thoughts? I think it's a good decision. After all, whether or not someone has been disadvantaged has much more to do with their financial situation than their skin color IMHO.

They aren't giving an opinion on prop 8 or doma today. They will before the end of the week, and hopefully they will find discrimination unconstitutional there, too.


EDIT: however, it seems the court has issued a "narrow" ruling, not overturning affirmative action nationwide, just in this case. BORING!

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's not what they decided. They didn't make a ruling, other than to send it back down to the lower court to be reheard. The case could end up back at the SCOTUS after that.

  • 8 years ago

    Actually, the SCOTUS didn't make a ruling at all. It merely sent the decision back to the lower court saying that the lower court made legal errors in their assessment of the program.

    It is an interesting development because the case was seen generally as an attempt to defeat AA nationwide (in fact, Ms Fisher was recruited by anti-Affirmative Action Edward Blum) and the Court's opinion seems to indicate that they really didn't wish to consider this kind of a case at this time.

    Not boring at all in fact.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Not really into this issue, but find myself becoming increasingly annoyed by the terms 'under privileged' and 'disadvantaged'. These words propagate excuses and create victims. This is the United States of America. The Land of Opportunity. If you are born in the United States of America, you have more ADVANTAGE and PRIVILEGE than anyone born anywhere else in the world. We, all Americans, are given every opportunity to succeed and reach our potential. Whether or not we do is completely and totally up to us. I'm so tired of people attributing their failure...or the failure of 'disadvantage' and 'privilege'.

    Look. We have a President who was born of a white woman who got knocked up by a black guy she hooked up with in Africa. Grammy and Gramps paid for these two to get married a couple of months before the child was born, thereby saving him the label 'bastard' which, back in 1960 was a serious issue. 'Dad' left after about six months...guess they only paid him for a year...and Mom was off looking for other exotic 'adventure' so Gram and Gramps raised the boy until Mom found another guy. Bottom line, you talk about a tough road? You couldn't find a more dysfunctional 'growing up' than little Barry was raised in. You couldn't find more real 'disadvantage'. And yet, now he's President of the United States. Enough with the excuses. Just get off your butt and get it done!

    Those are MY thoughts.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Bad decision. She wasn't qualified for that college.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The government should base decisions on merits not skin color or gender.When they do it is Racist.

  • 8 years ago

    the majority race is treated as 3rd class citizens by 0bama and Libs

  • 8 years ago

    I agree with affirmative action.

  • 8 years ago

    ...and to think, some kids actually think direct democracy and internet voting would be good things..

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