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Should I leave my girlfriend or stay?

We've been together for nearly a year now, and things have changed a lot, she's going through a lot of problems at home, and she's always upset at school and is always being distant.

To be honest she brings me down, and I'm always supportive and trying to be there for her, and she says she loves me for that, but it's getting to the point where I've been so depressed with our relationship that I feel like it's not worth it. I haven't told her this though. I'm in my last year of high school and I'm trying to get good grades and balance my friends/ work etc, and she just complicates everything, like I have so much more responsibility of always making shes okay and being there for her.

I feel really guilty for feeling this way though because I'm her boyfriend and I care about her a lot and I should be there for her, but I'm so unhappy and she makes me feel like **** whenever we hangout that I've lost feelings for her. And I know that if I leave her she might start self harming, or worse..

What should I do, should I be there for her, or concentrate on myself? I know it's a selfish question but I feel like I might need to be selfish at this stage of my life, but I need some advise if anyone's got any

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you should talk to her about that. Ask HER the question that you're asking us right now.

  • 8 years ago

    The reason why so many relationships end is because people give up to easily. She does need you right now and just because she is in a bad spot now does not mean she will always be there. I have learned a lot from my older aunts and uncles about relationships. There were times that they went long periods of difficulties in their relationships. But they came out of it stronger and more in love. Simply because they fought for each other. Through thick and thin. So fight for her and be a man. Yes it requires sacrifice on your part. Not to your goals or dreams. Those are still important. But still a small sacrifice. Everything in life is temporary. So like I stated before this bad time for her will pass and she will appreciate you being by her side through it and love you that much more. Also if you end up going through a lot and have a lot of problems, she will remember that and do the same for you. We all want that right? Not a perfect relationship, but a real one. To me it seems like you have one. Cherish it and her.

  • 8 years ago

    Dude you should just tell her how you feel but don't dump her cause there is always a way to fixs things she needs you the most right now whatever she's going through help her through it cause cause in the end things can get better if you talk it out and try

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You need to tell her. I'd hate more than anything to be a burden to my boyfriend. I've stopped telling him everything because he has to do other things and he hates feeling like he's not the perfect boyfriend. I don't mind not spilling everything out. He's still amazing and he can't always be there for me. I understand that.

    Try and explain that to her. Tell her you feel like there's been a falling out with you two. And, before she gets all sad, tell her it's better than just breaking up with her, you want to work on it not just leave her.

    However if it doesn't work and you still feel it's more of a burden and there's no progress, break up with her instead of stressing yourself out more.

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  • 8 years ago

    A relationship is supposed to make you happy not depressed all the time. Your not being selfish at all. I think you need to get out of the relationship so she can sorta her life. And you can continue youres

  • 8 years ago

    In my opinion you are too young to put her needs before your own. If she is unstable enough to harm herself then it wouldn't be any different with or without you in her life. She has her own issues and you have yours, her safety is up to herself and her parents. If you have lost interest then you owe it to yourself to move on and focus on what's important. I wasted so much time dating in high school and wish I hadn't. Now is the time to be happy and have your life experiences. Not act like an old man trying to please his wife. Plus high school girls are way too hormonal.

    Source(s): Life
  • 8 years ago

    ok she could be going through alot at the moment with her family ask her what's wrong I'f she Dosent tell you and keeps going on dump her you guys will break up eventually and your studies and future is more important hope this helped x

  • 8 years ago

    Your lucky I'm up this late

    But you have two options tell her everything you just typed or leave her. I would talk to her first so you wouldn't be considered "jerk or a d*ick"

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