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Lv 4
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 8 years ago

How do you feel about love triangles? ♥♥♥?

Love them, hate them, indifferent? Personally, I have no problem with them. At times it's kinda fun to root for one character or the other, however, the stupid idiot never chooses the guy (in rare cases, girl) I was rooting for. -_- Jacob, Gale (who was a byotch at the end so I was okay with Peeta)... And for those of you who know Eon and Eona, Ido. How cool would it have been to end up with the villain for once??

Anyway, do you outright love/hate them, or does it have to be written a certain way? For example, love triangle introduced early into the story as opposed to something that happens gradually, especially over several books?

Oh, and how often does the character you were rooting for get the girl/guy? Or do you never pick sides?

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Sometimes they're a guilty pleasure of mine, but there's a lot of different factors that can ruin it for me. e.g. - the love interest having the worst time deciding which guy she hardly know is "the one," the guys going head on about who gets the girl, the guy doing anything for the girl when hardly knowing each other, the "right" guy being right in front of the girl the whole time while she likes the wrong guy, and SO ON. There's a list of cliches. Not that they can't be pulled off originally - I just don't see that too often.

    The same goes for the reversed/different gender roles/pairs.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Most of the time, I can get really caught up into them, but I think it depends more on how the characters are and what the plot is! I'm not the biggest fan when the girl is in one and she's extremely wishy washy, although that's a lot of them isn't it. I think all in all I do like them and am willing to read one, but I would first like to know the plotting and one likes the other :)

  • 7many
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I don't like them. I don't like "omg, who should I be with" plots or side plots. They're annoying and whiny and I'm always left thinking "If you don't know right away, then you're being unfair to both of them: number one by leading them both on, and number two by choosing one of them over the other but you're still going to be left with 'what would have happened if I chose Guy B'."

    I hate that. I don't pick sides because I feel as though both guys or both girls are simply stupid and shortsighted - for Gods sake, how about your pick an SO who is interested in you and only you?

  • Mickey
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Pointless, annoying waste of time. Couldn't give a ****. Katniss Everdeen is a frigid cow. Rotten example of a love triangle. I'm not in the slightest bit entertained or interested by a character's neurotic indecisiveness over something so petty as who they're going to screw. Crap.

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  • 8 years ago

    The perfect love triangle:

    A loves B but lusts after C

    B loves C but lusts after A

    C loves A but lusts after B


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I love them. Especially in the hunger games. <3 :D

  • 8 years ago

    I'm pretty indifferent if they're done well, but they tend to get corny pretty fast. At that point, I loathe them. They're just unoriginal now.

  • 8 years ago

    love them - actually been in one

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