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Lv 6
Greth asked in Social SciencePsychology · 8 years ago

How can I stop myself from getting angry?

I'm 26, nearly 27, and I'm what all of my friends call "the one that makes them feel better. The one they know they can come to with problems and I will make them feel better"...unfortunately, if I'm not helping them out, most of them (my family included here) have a tendency to talk over me all the time or just ignore me and not react when I say something (for example, if someone asks where something is, I will clearly answer them, then about a second later, they will ask again, and when someone ELSE answers, they will say "oh thanks" to THEM).

Now normally I'm VERY good at keeping my frustration with this situation to myself (I've seen what happens when I show how annoyed I am in the past...people get scared of me, because they're not used to it. I know I've backed myself into a corner on this one, and now I have to deal with it. That's not my question, I know I just have to accept this as a fact).

My question is that what now happens as a result, is that whenever I talk to my family, I seem to let it all out to them in either anger, annoyance, or just seeming depressed (it's happening right now, and we're on HOLIDAY for **** sake. I shouldn't be doing this to them).

So my question is this: I need a sure-fire way to be able to curb these feelings for good, and stay the same easy-going, never-stressed-or-upset person that my friends see. I'm not going to let them see this side to me because as I have already said, when I let them see my more "human" side, they are either scared of me, or make fun of me, and I can't keep doing this to my poor family. I want a way to stop getting angry at EVERYTHING. I consider myself a strong person, but clearly I'm not if I'm always unloading on my family. Please help

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 8 years ago

    Ask yourself if what you want is in line with an equal world, or even just an equal united states, if it is, you can decide weather you want to make clear threats of noncooperation or intent to inconvenience towards the people in your life. If your goal is not to get angry at all though, a method that could be tried is this: Think of you family as reasonable people, and make a point to speak up every time you interests are not being met, but realize that anger will very likely cause your family to be less reasonable, and not speaking up will also cause them to be less reasonable due to not understanding their effects on you. They might use your expression of your interests as leverage against you, as they would learn more about what hurts you and how they can attack that interest of yours to get you to fulfill their interests, but in the end, we all want equality, and we have enough resources to make it attractive for those more powerful then us to give up their advantages. If you're the one with the advantages that you're angry about, it's even easier to not get angry, you simply give up your advantages.

  • 8 years ago

    U should be able to freely Express Ur emotions and heard. This makes me angry too. If u can't express urself around them I wouldn't allow them to express themselves around u either . Show them how it feels, don't react don't advise and don't listen.

  • 8 years ago

    by keep u calm whenever u getting angry is the good way to control u anger

  • Stoic.
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You can't stop yourself from becoming angry, but you can learn how to control the outbursts.

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