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  • What causes someone to eat slow?

    When I eat I have to eat really slow and feel like I'm full but I know if I wait a few minutes I'm still hungry and not really full. I have always eaten slow since I was little but sometimes it's embarrassing being the only one left at the dinner table or still fighting with the first plate. I drink plenty of water as well. Anyone else had this issue? What are the causes? Sometimes I have to stand up to feel like the food is going down and I sometimes get dizzy while eating.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases5 years ago
  • How do introverts cope when living with someone?

    How many introverts on here sometimes have to sleep separately just to get a few nights of good sleep?

    5 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • What is a good test to take to get certified in Spanish?

    Don't tell me to Google it. I want a real answer from someone who has been certified and is now working in a language field.

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • How to become Spanish interpreter?

    I have a bachelors in Spanish but no luck finding jobs. What test can I take to get certification and perhaps work in a court room setting ?

    1 AnswerLanguages6 years ago
  • Why can't I move on from the past? please no hate?

    My family is very controlling so I never learned to stand up for myself. I dated a bunch of abusive guys in my past. I just wished I had stood up to them.They don't realize how much they hurt me. One ended up raping me and I ended up with a miscarriage. I broke up with him before I knew I was pregnant but never reported it to the police. Another guy literally had sex with me then right after broke it off, just came to my apartment to get his rocks off pretty much didn't even have the decency to end it in person, he did it over facebook. I'm not the type of person that would have been angry if he had done it the right way. I just wanted respect at least. Then of course there's the abusive ex husband, who turns out only married me and refused to support me because he thought my family had money and I would support him even though he's in the military. What I really want is to stand up for myself. Is it too late to message these guys over facebook then block them? I know this happened years ago, but I feel like letting these guys know what they did to hurt me will help me move on. I have a lot of anger that I didn't know I even had a right to have. I haven't really talked to anyone about this bc I don't have anyone I can really trust and talk to about these issues. I've told my current bf so he can understand why I have anxiety attacks. He understands but I still feel like I need a friend to talk to.

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • I come from a really toxic family and yet I have a hard time moving on. What is wrong with me? Even from other stuff?

    My mother would tell me things when I was little like she was going to put me on the side of the road and I would have to walk home and a homeless man was going to rape me. That was for me having to run to the bathroom and wasting five minutes of her time that she could be at a drug store. I keep thinking about the things both my parents did and keep trying to continue a relationship with them. My mother has a codeine addiction and has had it for 20 years. She will get others to go to the drug store and pay them for it bc there's a limit per customer. My dad is very controlling. I found out that my mother also may be in the occult. She puts hexes on people and then made the comment she was clawed in the middle of the night and there was nothing there. I also saw a dark figure in my room one time. I prayed for God to protect me. I moved away a month ago and things seemed to get worse. I moved down to Florida with my boyfriend and it seems like ever since I have left these terrible thoughts keep seeping into my mind. My father tried to disown me on my birthday because I hung up on him when he tried to argue with me, it really hurt. And my mother tried to guilt me before I left by saying what if I die while you're gone? You don't care about me. She then says to me "I hope you enjoy Florida" very sarcastically.They have been trying to make sure I'm not happy while I'm down here so I changed my phone number. I just needed a break. How can I be positive? I still want a relationship

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • Craigslist and cashier's checks? Is this a scam?

    This person on craigslist wants to know if he/she can send me a cashier's check for a dress and are wanting to know which address to send it to so that I can ship it out to them. Do you think it's real?

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • am I doing the right thing by dating?

    My bf says I'm cold to him and that I reject him but won't explain how. I was in an abusive relationship before but divorced the guy. My boyfriend always asks if I want to be with him. I tell him if I didn't I wouldn't be here and its true. I love him, hes the best. But sometimes I wonder if I jumped too soon into a relationship. Did I do the right thing ? I don't want to lose him, but he says I'm cold sometimes and shut him out BC I think he will be like my ex. I am very guarded now but I don't feel its too much so. He asked me to move with him after only dating six months and I think its too soon. We are doing the long distance thing but he comes back on the weekends. I do everything I can to make this relationship work but I just don't know what he wants from me. I feel confused and stressed. I seriously think six months is too soon to move away with him and separate from my family. That's what I did before and it didn't work. I'm not ready to take that leap again and want things to move more slowly.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What's the book called where the author used to be a criminal investigator...?

    and is giving the reader signs of someone who could be a potential killer. he explains victims stories and how the victims had been stalked and attacked. he tells the reader what to look out for

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Does anyone know where I can get free counseling services in South Carolina?

    I am going through a lot, having to deal with anxiety and depression but don't know where to go. Because of social anxiety I have a difficult time talking to people about my problems. I really need some help... please....

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses8 years ago
  • Read only if you're married!?

    what do you love most about your spouse?

    and how do you show that love?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • What's a general price range for setting up a mobile home?

    I"m going to be transporting a mobile home from Augusta, Georgia 40 minutes to its new location in South Carolina. About approximately how much will transporting and connecting up the septic tank and utilities cost? Yes, the land is zoned for mobile homes...and will there need to be inspections on the mobile home after it is set up on the land?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • I bought a gps from Walmart, can I return it to another state?

    I already have a gps and don't need this one, it's not been opened...and I still have the reciept.

    6 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • What is the process for buying a mobile home?

    So I saw a mobile home that was inexpensive and already know a small piece of land I can put it on. I"m going to have to move the trailer to the plot of land which is about 30 miles away. How much will it cost to be moved and attached to the septic and utilities on the land? and is there any questions I should ask about the land before buying it? Will the mobile home need to be inspected to be on this land? Also, will the moving people be the ones that hook it up? and what a good moving company?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • What is the divorce process?

    I live in the state of New Mexico, my husband is in the military (air force) and we are getting a divorce. I don't know the process, I moved down here from South Carolina, so I don't know what the rules are in New Mexico. Will everything be split? Him and I have separate savings accounts and I want to make sure that he doesn't get any of my savings that I had before the marriage. I also want to make sure I get to keep my car. I'm upset about it all, not really what I wanted, but... things changed. He said that he would keep his own money and I would keep mine, but I don't know if that's a decision we're allowed to make or if the military or state splits everything themselves.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • is yoga supposed to hurt? and what's a good way to loosen hamstrings?

    so i just did some flexibility yoga and omg, am in a little pain and feel worn out. i didn't even to get to finish the whole workout i was so worn out. plus while doing it, i felt like some of the leg poses were difficult to do since my hamstrings were so tight.... is there anything i can do to loosen up those hamstrings? they've been like this my whole life, even in gym class i had difficulty straightening out my legs and touching my toes, i always had to bend the knees to touch my toes.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • is this legitimate or a scam?

    so i'm trying to sell a dress on craigslist, this guy texted me saying he was interested. then said he needed my name and address in order to send a cashiers check, he later said he'd send shipping down to get the dress. he says he's located in kansas, but I'm located in New Mexico.

    2 AnswersSecurity8 years ago
  • Liability insurance regarding nose revision?

    So I posted a truthful review on a surgeon that I got my rhinoplasty from and now his receptionist replied this about the revision " ACCORDING TO OUR LIABILITY INSURANCE, WE CANNOT PROVIDE SERVICE TO ANY PATIENT WHO HAS POSTED SUCH REVIEWS. " Why is this a problem? how would liability insurance have to do anything with this?

    3 AnswersInsurance8 years ago