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how should I manage my time in highscool?

hey, so I'm gonna be a freshman in high school, and I'm kinda worried about myself being able to get my work done. I'm pretty smart, I'm in honors lit and I had all A's last year except in math i ha a low c,so I know I will be able to do it, but I'm really lazy. like, i'll get home from school and like sit on the couch and not do my homework, and I could get away with that in middle school, but I know I won't be able to as a freshman. idk if this matters, but I'm not like really popular, but I'm not like unknown. I don't think I'm gonna be going to many parties or anything, because one I don't really like people (I'm kinda antisocial in front of people who I don't really know. not because I'm shy, but just because I don't really like people) and also my dad. so I don't have to worry about that, but I have dance at least three times a week for an hour each.

I'm not really motivated to do my work, you know? so like how should I manage my time to get everything done with as little stress as possible?

my classes are: biology, geometry, honors lit/comprehensive reading, German, and AVID.

avid is like basically taking at least 8 notes a week and being organized. look it up if you don't know (:

thank you so much, sorry if this was confusing.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you have all As, you should be typing with better grammar and spelling. But seeing as your display name is meow, study stuff you'd need for a job with cats! It would be fun!

  • 8 years ago

    the best way to do work is to go to the library, whether its at your school during your lunches or after school at a public library. in the library there isnt much to do so all you can really do it sit and do your homework. I often spent my lunches in the library since i could do much hmrk at home and improved my marks drastically. to be honest, its kind of a good thing to not be popular in high school. Being popular in high school always results in skipping classes, being with the popular people that are disruptive, etc. So just focus on your academics in your time in high school because it will lead you to your future. btw the parties arent a big deal just a bunch of people drinking and smoking drugs aha

  • 8 years ago

    -Listen, just to warn you, I'm going to sound like a mother, but I'm doing it out of a good cause.

    When people go to high school, they think "Oh cool, I'm grown a teeeeeen, I don't have to do anything but fun fun fun and not care about school. It's like middle school anyway."

    That is 110% incorrect.

    Look, I don't know if you're looking for tips on the social aspect of high school, but I'm going to focus on the main, and most important part of high school- academics. High school is the 4 years that start to determine where your are going to be for the rest of your life.

    Many kids walk in first day, thinking it's nothing but fun and party and hangtime. Do you know how many of them wanted to punch themselves in the face senior year?

    Once you get to high school, everything counts. In middle school, you could be getting D's and C's, have a 2.0 GPA and hardly pass without consequence. Many fail to realize this is invalid in high school. That F you got in English during freshman year? Brought your GPA down and came to haunt you, since it kept you a few points from graduating senior year with a 4.0 GPA. Got D's in nearly every class? It's not like middle school where everything magically "disappears.." Colleges and Universities can see that. Got caught cheating, just to take a small reassuring look at your neighbor's paper? Oh yea, Colleges can see that also. Didn't get into your prestigious dream college, even though your senior year was beyond extraordinary? Oh yeah, you were a major screw up during freshman year and sophomore year, sorry. Many don't realize high school is vastly different from middle school, you don't get second chances or passes and every slightest action academically, and in many cases physically, is caught, recorded and is back to haunt you during senior year. Many seniors look back their four years and think "What if?", "What if I actually cared in freshman year?", "What if I didn't fail sophomore year? These four years of high school are what determine that start of your future. Everything counts. So make it count.

    Take that into consideration please, high school doesn't seem much but a big 'ol building with kids going through puberty, but that "big 'ol building" determines your future life. Making friends in high school is all fine and good, but if you want it the hard way, graduation comes and what's left is only you and your grades.

    Focus on academics once you get into high school, that's my only tip.


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