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jess asked in PetsHorses · 8 years ago

Are their any beaches in California that allow horseback riding?Mainly around Orange County.?

I know there is one at the border of Mexico Tijuana/ San Isidro

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fiesta Island allows horses. Absolute perfect place, as long as you go on a day that there isnt alot of parasailers. I have brought 4 of mine there, and see lots whenever i go out:)

  • nevens
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    -Disneyland/California adventure -Downtown Disney -Angel Stadium to seize an Angels sport -South coast plaza in costa mesa -The block in orange -Irvine Spectrum Head out to pasadena however. not too a strategies from the OC. approximately half-hour in accordance with site visitors. they have a strip of retailers, eating places, and golf equipment/bars.

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