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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Fusilier Lee Rigby,RIP,a message to his Family ?

We English people,extend our heart felt condolences,to his Family and Friends.

"We WILL remember Him ".

Now,and when the Backlash comes.

Rest In Peace,Riggers,your killers will not.


@ Andi C,.I remember our young soldier,I cannot ignore who murdered him,or why.

When you turn the other cheek to islam,you PC jihad enablers,encourage their barbarism.

Too many of their crimes are minimised,and excused,as OUR people die,at their hands.

You espouse a ' civilised approach',while the enemy sharpens their weapons.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fair enough....and very apparent - not a Muslim in sight too 'condemn' this murderess atrocity (beheaded on the streets of the UK) committed by a 'stone-age fanatical faith follower' the....offspring of immigration - whose beliefs and followings are from the parental homeland.

    The DC/NC government + EM/Balls reaction too this 'dreadful styled attack' was 'limited' in its doubt 'they' protecting future Muslim votes for 'both' these political parties in the next election.

    There is no doubt there is a 'huge immigration Muslim' problem in this country - and the government and opposition 'just refuses' to accept/acknowledge that fact.

    Separating all the 'usual' patronising references made by the military - it was the 'way/method' that the guy was killed thats alienated the 'true British public' - none of us every thought we'd see 'stone-age' massacres committed on....(again) the streets of the UK.!!

    The political/authority protection given too the Muslim population is 'Way OTT' proving there is a lenient law/rulings for 'them' and another for the rest of us....and thats 'totally wrong'.!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    however i've got not seen particularly some her video clips, only her generic presence and inner attractiveness looked as though it may radiate from each photograph I ever observed of her. With each and all the Hollywood trash that abounds at present, Natasha & Liam never embraced that existence kind and due to this I so famous her. a real great who would be regrettably neglected. My daughter & I enjoyed her interior the make certain catch, she only glowed on the exhibit screen. To the Neeson, Richardson & Redgrave families I enhance my trustworthy condolences. In time the grief does get greater advantageous, only keep in mind what a shining massive call she became!!

  • 8 years ago

    Yes - thoughts are very much with his family.

    But we must beware predicting (perhaps inciting) a 'Backlash'. Harm to totally innocent muslims would only serve to harm Lee Rigby's memory. The guilty are under arrest and will no doubt have time to deeply regret their atrocious act of mindless brutality.

    What we must hope is for the allegedly peaceful and tolerant muslim community to demonstrate similar disgust - not only with the hate-driven killing of an ordinary British serviceman but also at the fact Islam can breed such extremes of fanaticism and animal-like ferocity. They would achieve this by helping to root out those who lurk in their midst and advocate similar 'extremist' views.

    We get public condemnation from the self-appointed muslim leaders but always 'after the event' and usually with caveats about what motivates the terrorists (ie 'sufferings of their muslim brothers and sisters' elswhere). They insist muslims are always required to abide by the laws of the land - but we know the hate preachers (such as Qatada and Choudery) are skilled at inciting unrest and jihadist feelings without technically breaking the law.

    Positive ACTION to counter-act these subversives and actually report, denounce or hand over wannabe jihadists (and their recruiters) would go a long way to reassure the public muslims aren't generally passive sympathisers.

    This was belatedly covered in sermons the other week - to some but not all mosques - but words are cheap and some positive evidence they mean anything is now required.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes RIP Lee...I will be there in person as will a lot of people today ....friday on an ordinary day is very busy as people come from all over to visit the world famous market so I am sure there will be a lot more today....I would like to see the muslim community of Bury pay their respects to Lee also...

    but not a one was there...

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Does anyone know if there is a fund for his wife and child. She faces the future alone now and times are not getting easier for one parent families.

  • Plato
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    RIP Lee Rigby, your memory lives on.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We will not rest until all muslim criminals are out of our country.The political parties who are allowing this tide of bigotry and racism to afflict us will feel the force of our anger in 2015.That is unless they have imported so many muslims that we get outvoted.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    We are as sorry for him as we are for any of the hundreds killed in Afghanistan who have never been mentioned on here. Drummer Rigbys difference is he was murdered in London. The men who murdered him (it was on film) were not Asians but Africans who shouted an Islamic slogan (God is good or great)

    We will have to see what is said at their trial,but they could have been non Muslims trying to cause trouble ? (in the same way Trolls try to cause trouble on these pages by pretending to be someone they aren't) Perhaps we could think of them as non muslims or rogue Muslims until we know otherwise ?

    I do personally wish they could have been hanged. That's a wonder full sentence in cases of deliberate and cruel murder.

    But YES we will remember him as we do with all of Britain's best.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    RIP Lee.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    "your killers will not" why, why say that, why mention them on today of all days, words fail me, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Today is his funeral its about him, his life and his family and nobody and nothing else, him, not even his killers should get a mention, so why mention em because you didn't have to.

    - - -

    Good luck lad on your last journey, you deserved better.

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