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Lv 4
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 8 years ago

Character Survey: When your MC was 5 years old...?

Hello B&A! Here's a random character survey I got an idea for while I was imagining my MC as a kid. Answer as your MC or any character you choose when they were 5 years old. :D Have fun!

1) Hi there! What's your name?

2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

5) What's your favorite color?

6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

9) Do you want a cookie?

10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?


Lol this is just too cute. I gotta answer my own question.

1) Hi there! What's your name?

Mama said not to tell people my name...

2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

I live with my mom and dad.

3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

I love my mommy! ^^ Dad's cool too.

4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

I don't have any brothers or sisters. :(

5) What's your favorite color?


6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

I live on a military base by the ocean. It's fun!

7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

Of course I play games! My favorite toy is a wooden sword that dad gave me to practice fighting with.

8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

And we got married. ^///^ The end.

9) Do you want a cookie?


Mom: NOOO are you trying to end the world??? *snatches cookie away*

Update 2:

10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

A doctor, or a soldier like Dad.

11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

My mom teaches me. It's fun! I can write my name already. :)

12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

We're not strangers, silly! I live in your head, remember?

BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

Lucky you, I bet you get to eat all the cookies you want.

BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

Just...prepare yourself, okay? At least we get an amazing wife in the end. :)

Update 3:

@ xoxo

Glad it helped. :)

14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Oh this is cool!

    -Hi there! What's your name?


    -Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    -I live with my dad and my little sister because my mom is dead.

    -How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    -I want to kill my dad.

    -Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    -I hate my sister so I lock her up in her room.

    -What's your favorite color?


    -Where do you live? Do you like it?

    -In a little cottage in the mountain, and I like it because there allot of snow.

    -Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    -I like to make snowballs. My mom's old pillowcase because I bring it everywhere.

    -Finish the sentence: ''Once upon a time there was a princess...''

    -And she died because she was really bratty and stupid.

    -Do you want a cookie?

    -No my dad doesn't want me to have sweets

    -How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    -We don't live next to a school so my dad teaches me at home.

    -Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    -Strangers don't scare me.

    BQ: I hope you get rid of Joanna (little sister).

    BQ2: Atticus, why did you kill Joanna?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    My name is Rora.

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    Mommy and daddy!

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    I love them to the stars!

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?


    5) What's your favorite color?


    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    Daddy has a really cool lab under the house with all kinds of tools.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    I love games. My favorite toy is my daddy's telescope?

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    Oh no! Not another fairytale.

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Yes Daddy! Can we go look at the stars?

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    A Genius scientist just like my mommy and daddy.

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    Mommy and daddy are the greatest teachers ever!

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    You're not a stranger silly. You just talked my ears off.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    Don't walk into dark places.

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    You're going to carry the weight of an entire galaxy on your shoulders kid. Make an impression or fail this is your calling.

    Thanks fun question. You also inspired me to think of some questions for a character survey.

    Source(s): Fellow Writer Firepaw ___signing out___
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Neat! Ha, this looks fun!

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    - Hanne.

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    - Momma.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    - She works too much. And she isn't a witch.

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    - I have two older brothers. They're always smelly and get in the way.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    - Red! I mean, gold! I mean, uh...8P

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    - Providence. Momma says it's horrible and wants to leave, but it's where the witches live. And I'm going to be a witch.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    - Momma made me a dolly but she's ugly. One day I'll magic her into a lady.

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    - Princesses are all the same unless they're witches.

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    - Yes. Give it to me.

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    - I'm going to be a witch like my grandmother.

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    - Once I pass my test, I'll start school. I'm very excited. My brothers are upset because that means I'm more special than them, but it's their own fault, for being boys.

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    - I'm not afraid of you.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    - I'm going to be mad if you're not a witch.

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    - Don't forget what your family has done for you.

  • 8 years ago

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    Roderick Trench!

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    I live with my mommy and daddy and baby sister

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    My daddy is my hero!

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    I have a baby sister. I don't like her a lot cuz shes always pooping and crying and breaking my legos

    5) What's your favorite color?

    Uh. Red!!

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    I live in a house!

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    I like to play the painting game with my dad. My favorite toy is a paintbrush

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    who was made of red velvet cake!

    9) Do you want a cookie?


    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Just like my dad!

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    I'm in kindergarten and it's lots of fun cuz I get to play tag at recess

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    We're all strange, I think :)

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    Words x)

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    Learn how to be your own superhero.

    Source(s): Thank you so much for posting this! I absolutely love these. They inspire me so much and they're really fun! :) This one in particular, helped me with my MC's character development. Writing this made me realize how he's lost his youthful joy by the age of 19. I think his development for the story will be trying to get back to that trusting, vulnerable state of being a kid again. Thanks!
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1) Hi there! What's your name?


    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    With my extended family--Mom, Dad, my twin sister Tina, uncles, aunts and cousins all in one small house.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    They're cool. They don't know how to deal with me all the time, but what parents do?

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    My sister, Tina. She's okay most of the time. I just wish she would stop thinking all I want to do is play dollies with her.

    5) What's your favorite color?


    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    In my home. Sure.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    My favorite toy is a stick or a box. My cousin Dave and I play all sorts of stuff with just a box and a stick - pirates, explorers, astronauts and stuff.

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    Her name was Tina. She lived in a big castle with lots of children. (I don't know. She can go from there. She'll like it.)

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Thank you. That's very nice. I'll split it with my sister and cousins. Would you like one of my animal crackers? We have extras?

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    A pirate. No. A cowboy. No, no. A fireman. No, maybe a soldier. A Navy Seal, yeah, that's it. I want to be a Seal.

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    I'm home schooled with y sister and cousins. Is it exciting? I can already read Dr. Seuss.

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    My parents are right behind me and said I could.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    Not really. Who listens to a five year old?

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    Yes, you do finally figure out how to ride a bike. Don't worry so much. You're okay.

  • 8 years ago

    1) Hi there! What's your name?


    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    My mommy and daddy!

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    I love them, but... I just wish they would let me play like other kids!

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    I don't have a brother or sister, but I have cousins... Um, we... We talk a lot, and sometimes I play with them if Mommy isn't watching! But don't tell her that! She'll get sad...

    5) What's your favorite color?


    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    In my house. Doesn't everyone? And yeah, but I wish I lived with my cousins. They're funner.

    -Ahem, more fun.-

    Oh. They're... Uh, more fun.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    Card games, like UNO! That's my favorite game! And I don't have a favorite toy, but I don't like dolls. I don't like dolls at all!

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    And she was cursed by a witch!

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Yes, please!

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?


    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    I can't wait to go! But my parents said I go in a few months! I'm so happy, and I can't WAIT!

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    Yes, but you seem nice, and I don't like listening to Mommy and Daddy anyway.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    Do I get to be normal when I grow up?

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    As you get older, you'll get more friends and one of them along the way will help you.

  • Oh my gosh, I haven't done one of these in forever! :D

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    *beams* My name is Lorelei!

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    I live with my momma. My daddy lives somewhere else in the city.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    I love them so much! I love my daddy and my mommy and my aunties and my uncles!

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    Nope, I'm an only child.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    I like the color yellow- it's the color of sunshine and happiness!

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    I live in Lydia Falls, city in Florida. It's great- there's even a Build-A-Bear workshop in town!

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    I play lots of games with the kids who live around me. I love my Barbie dolls!

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    and she was beautiful and her name was Lorelei and she lived in a castle with her best friend Stella and they lived happily ever after! The end!

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Yes please!

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    I want to be a nure, just like my momma, or a financial-thingy like my daddy. If those don't happen, then a teacher!

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    I love school! I love learning and my teacher and recess and everything about school!

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    *smiles falters* Oh... *walks away pretty fast*

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    Hopefully, you'll grow up well!

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    I would tell myself not to worry about the kids on the other side of town- because they'll move away pretty soon.

  • 8 years ago

    1) Hi there! What's your name? Carmella. but don't call me that. I'm Mella, K?

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    My mom and dad.OH, and Duck. Duck's my cat, she's a tabby kitten and I love her.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    I wish they hadn't named me carmella. the kids call me carmel apple, acause my last name's apple wood, and I hate it. but Mom buys me BOOKS.

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    I just have Duck.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    hmmmm.....purple. No! Gold! no Pink. I like all the colors. colors are pretty, even black is pretty.

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    Larkwood. it's ok. thers a park, and Rosemarys and it's nice.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    I like to play pretend. I have a toy sword and a unicorn hobby horse and I like to save the world.

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    and she when on an adventure and fought a dragon and saved the prince.

    9) Do you want a cookie?


    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    I wanna work at a LIBARY. LIBRARY.

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    I start soon, and I can't wait, I already know how to read but I can't read hard words yet.

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    but you're not a stranger, we're getting to know each other.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    do.. do we ever get to go on a REAL adventure? like a real one, like Lucy, or Sophie, or Harry potter?

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    Heck yeah we do! we even make some friends.

  • xoxo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Omg ty for asking this! I'm answering with both my MC's.

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    Natalie and Rhys

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    Natalie: Parents Rhys: I move around a lot, my mom, then briefly a foster home then my dad where I stayed

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    Natalie: I love them, my mom is my best friend, my dad is hard working

    Rhys: I love my mom but she acts mean sometimes from the "medicine" she takes. My dad pays a lot more attention to my older brother but I love him.

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    Natalie: Only child

    Rhys: Older brother, he protects me but he gets all the attention. I'm jealous of him sometimes.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    Natalie: Pink, last week purple

    Rhys: Green

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    Natalie: San Diego in a huge house overlooking the bay, I love it

    Rhys: A small apartment with my mom

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    Natalie: Dolls, Pretty Princess, anything girly, my barbie, i love my toy camera

    Rhys: I go off on my own a lot, climbing trees, skipping rocks, I donated all my toys to the homeless

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    Natalie: Named Natalie. I'm the pricess

    Rhys: Who ate bugs. I don't know I hate girly stuff like that.

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Natalie: YES chocolate chip!

    Rhys: Dipped in milk!

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    Natalie: A princess or a photographer I love taking pictures

    Rhys: Something that helps people

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    Natalie: It's a great way to meet new people, I'm popular already I just started

    Rhys: I'm nervous, I don't like to be around a lot of people

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    Natalie: I talk to everyone

    Rhys: Of course

    OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS! This actually really helped me...

  • A character interview! HUZZAH! My MC, at age 5, declined these questions, but I told him he'd get cookies if he answered, so now he's willing.

    1) Hi there! What's your name?


    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    --There's Memphis and Michael and mom and dad. No one else.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    --Mom's with Michael a lot. And dad likes talking to me, but I don't see him all the time. It's okay though. I'd rather play with Memphis.

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    --I just told you. There's Memphis and Michael. Michael doesn't talk yet, but he's still kind of loud and Memphis shows me stuff.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    --I like blue, but I also like green and red. It doesn't really matter.

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    --Mom says we live near the border. Apparently that's bad. I don't think it's bad. Me and Memphis get to go on plane rides because our neighbor's grandpa used to be a pilot. We play with Sherry too.

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    --I like racing Memphis. I beat her once, I can do it again. I don't have any favorite toys.

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    --And then she died. (Me: Isaac! >:O)

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    --Finally, yes!

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    --I don't know. Memphis already knows. She's gonna be a pilot.

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    --Yeah, I started. Some of it is cool. But it gets boring after I don't see Memphis for a while.

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    --Memphis and mom tell me not to. I don't want to either.

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    --Is Memphis a pilot yet?

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    --Would it make a difference? I don't think I could convince myself, to be honest. But there is something more important - I'd tell him to take care of and watch out for Michael. He'd listen to that.

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'll pick a three-year-old in my novel. (Close enough. lol)

    1) Hi there! What's your name?

    Phillies Bear, but you can call me Phil.

    2) Who do you live with? If you don't live with your parents, where are they? Do you know?

    I never really had parents. Some dude kept me on a shelf with baseballs, pennants and stuff like that. Then he threw me away. Then I met my buddies in a Dumpster. We live together now.

    Um, they're right next to me. Can't you see them? It's not like I talk with humans without some kind of protection. I'm three, not stupid.

    3) How do you feel about your parents/guardian(s)?

    Well, they aren't parents, and I guard them as much as they guard me, but they're cool.

    4) Do you have any siblings? How do they treat you/how do you treat them?

    By the end of our adventures, we decided we were brothers. That's why my last name is Bear. I didn't used to have a last name. They're cool. They saved my life.

    5) What's your favorite color?

    I don't care. That sounds like a girlie question.

    6) Where do you live? Do you like it?

    I can't tell you. You might get us taken to the dump again, so we're keeping where we live a secret. It's a good place to live. Get's a little crowded in the tent when it rains, but otherwise, what's not to like?

    7) Do you ever play games? What's your favorite toy?

    Of course I play games. I'm three. What are you expecting me to do--have a job?

    Can I be my favorite toy? I'm a teddy bear and some people think teddy bears are toys. If I can't be my own toy, then my favorite toys are my new brothers. They're teddy bears too.

    I don't like skateboards anymore, but I hope Tommy teaches me to like them again. That ride was fun.

    8) Finish this sentence: "Once upon a time there was a princess..."

    And she smelled and liked to do girlie things, because that's what a princess is like. The end.

    9) Do you want a cookie?

    Got 5000 cookies? A few of my friends would like one too. Got any hotdogs? They taste good.

    10) What do you want to be when you grow up?

    I'm not growing up. Why would I want to grow up?

    11) How do you feel about school? Have you started yet? If not, are you excited?

    One good thing about being a teddy bear is no school.

    12) Don't you know not to talk to strangers?

    I have 5000 of my closest friends right here with me. I dare you try anything. :D

    BQ: If you could say one thing to your adult self, what would it be?

    What's wrong with you? Why did you grow up? You're a teddy bear. You never had to. What's wrong with you?

    Is that one thing? I can't count past three.

    BQ2: (As your character's current age) If you could say one thing to your 5 year old self, what would it be?

    So, is five as cool as three? Do my brothers let me do more stuff when I'm five? They kind of treat me like I'm a little kid. Do they get over that in the future?

    Pssst, my older self never really answered. Is anything wrong with him?

    So? Where's that cookie? If you don't have 5000, then make it really big. We're hungry.

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