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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

What exactly is the assertion from liberals on how Zimmerman and Martin met?

How exactly did they meet up?

A. Zimmerman simply caught Martin in a foot race.

B. Zimmerman was right on Martin's heels and Martin finally just turned and asked what his problem was.

C. Martin was hiding and Zimmerman found him in his hiding place and confronted him there.

D. Martin was hiding and waiting for Zimmerman to get off the phone and walked from his hiding place to confront Zimmerman.

8 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    E. Zimmerman was high on 3 different narcotics drunk out of his mind after cheating on his wife coming from a brothel, when all of a sudden he saw 5 y.o Trayvon Martin who was wearing a plad vest and slacks Carrying a bible as he innocently walked home from bible studies. Then Zimmerman proceeded to hit Trayvon with his car. After being struck Zimmerman got out of his car to confront a barely alive Martin then he was shot 30 times with an evil AR 15, before leaving he set the body on fire. Zimmerman made sure to yell "help" so he could frame Martin.... I think this is pretty close no?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think the zimmerman Martin case made such big headlines b/c of the recent rise in American gun ownership. Zimmerman likely pulled his gun because it was for his self defense yes he could have shot Martin in the leg and it would not have even made local 6 o'clock news. Unforchantly he shot and killed Martin. In a dark alley anyone will seem like a treat Zimmerman likely just his gun instead of questioning the sep iocus Martin.

    As a gun owner myself this should be a wake up call to all gun carriers/owners you better make damn sure you are about to die before you pull your gun and fire it at someone. Or you will be in the same hot seat as Zimmerman was.I doubt very much Zimmerman will ever go back into the law enforcement bis again.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    >>>Insert baby crying here<<<<

    There is no law preventing me from following someone. Look it up....not there. If I see someone or something suspicious I have the RIGHT to observe and report.

    There was absolutely no proof that Zimmerman confronted Martin at all.

    There is tons of evidence where Martin attacked Zimmerman.

    Anything else you want to add is fluff....he is not guilty. Stop persecuting him

    >>>Insert more baby crying here<<<<

  • 8 years ago

    Zimmerman was following Trayvon because Trayvon is young and black, and therefore in his mind a potential criminal. Trayvon walks and then runs away. Zimmerman chases after him but loses track. This can be heard from the phone call Zimmerman made to police.

    Zimmerman keeps looking for him and finally finds him. Trayvon says why are you following me and later "get off! get off!" before the phone cuts off. This is according to the prosecution star witness that was on the phone with Trayvon.

    Trayvon fights back and punches Zimmerman. Zimmerman's on the ground. Zimmerman either hits his head on the sidewalk that one time, or gets hit on the sidewalk by blows from Trayvon. At this point Trayvon is on top of Zimmerman. This is a fight. Alot of fights end up this way.

    Pure speculation at this point: Zimmerman gets beat, pulls out a gun and points it at Trayvon. Trayvon says "Oh ****!!" The gun misfires. Trayvon gets off Zimmerman starts walking away. He starts screaming Get away! Get away! Zimmerman shoots again. Loud bang is heard. Zimmerman tells Trayvon to get on the ground! Zimmerman gets on top of Trayvon (even Zimmerman admits this). Trayvon is screaming in pain. This is my idea of what happened based on the 911 call and the screams. The screams before and after the shooting seem to be from the same person. We know after the gun shot, Trayvon would be the one screaming in pain.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I would say probabuly anwser choice A or B. Either way it goes Zimmerman was wrong to follow him,when the police told him that he needed to stop.

  • 8 years ago

    Notice how they did not answer because they don't know the facts, libs always find a way to change the question

  • wtinc
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    They have no clue, but they like to make it up as they go.

  • 8 years ago

    Killerman stalked Trayvon and then murdered him, because he was in fear of his life after being threatened with 'skittles.'

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