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Anonymous asked in TravelCanadaOther - Canada · 8 years ago

Moving to Canada HELP!!!?

My family and I are moving to Canada.I live in the middle east so it's really REALLY different here.

How is the education system in Canada?

When does school start? When does it end?

And in the first day will we have any classes or anything?

I'm gonna be a freshman and in the middle east high school start after 10 grade and it's only two or three years so I was shocked when I knew I'm gonna be in high school .

We don't have lockers so when I get a locker how can I recognize it and not mix it up with another locker?

When does a school day start?(8:00, 8:30 , 7:00, 7:30,????) And when does it end?(3:00, 3:30, 4:00,????)

Are phones allowed?

When will I get my schedule?

How much periods are in a regular school day? And in the first week or three day something like that ( in the first days).

is chewing gum allowed during class or in breaks?

how long are this breaks? What are the subjects that we're going to study?

Are upperclassmen gonna be mean to us freshmen?

How can I make friends there ?

In the middle east we only have two semesters is it the same in Canada?

When is lunch time?

What if I couldn't find a seat? Where am I going to sit?

I'm so SO sorry I know it's A LOT of questions some of them are kinda dumb I know and I'm so sorry for any misspelled words or grammar errors . Please no hate.


OMG thanx A LOT guys you have no idea how much your answers helped me thank you so SO much ♥♥♡♡♥

Update 2:

Ok about making friends I always had that one or two friends that I know who's coming with me to school I've never been alone EVER I know it's kinda weird . That's why I'm asking not that the people are aliens or something lol but thanks again =) ♥♡

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey there :) I'm currently in school and I think I can help you. It depends, of course, on where you're going to go. But I'll share you my experiences.

    First off, "high school" here (where I live) is a secondary school. High school is like an informal way of referring to it due to American influence. We have elementary and secondary schools (and post-secondary if you want).

    Elementary: kindergarten to Grade 7

    Secondary: Grade 8 - Grade 12

    Post-Secondary: up to you as to how many years you want to spend here.

    Education system: It's good, I guess. I don't know how to compare it to the one you go to, as I've only ever been here.

    Start and end: My school starts at around 8:55 am and ends at 3:11 (dumb time, I know). The school year starts on September and ends somewhere around June.

    First day: The first day is usually very short. No official classes, or if there is they're really short. It's the day where you receive your schedules and locker and get used to a new school year.

    Lockers: You're going to have to memorise the locker number and locker combination and where it is. Personally, I can never remember my locker number so I just memorise where it is. I can also never remember my locker combination, so I just memorise the movements.

    School day: I believe that has been addressed.

    Phones: Technically, no. In reality, no one cares if you've brought a phone to school or class as long as it's turned off and out of sight while class is in session. It may get confiscated otherwise.

    Schedule: first day of school by your homeroom teacher.

    Periods: Where I go, the school year is divided into Day 1 and Day 2, each other alternating every time. Each Day has four one hour and fifteen minute classes, with a fifteen minute break after the first class and lunch after the second class. So that's four classes each Day, eight classes in total for the standard student. However, you can take before- or after-school classes, in which case you can have anywhere from 8-12 classes. This is what my school does.

    The first day is usually short. I'm not sure if this is standard across Canada.

    Chewing gum: Absolutely not allowed in class. More so where I go, since we have carpets. In breaks, I think so, as long as you throw it out in a garbage bin before you go to class. This one, I think, is pretty universal.

    Also, in my school, a lot of teachers let us eat in class. BUT I come from a pretty lax school and my teachers are just awesome like that. They think that, hey, if they can eat in class then so can the students (as long as we don't make a mess).

    This is NOT the same as the rest of the schools in Canada.

    Breaks: fifteen minutes for the first one, forty five minutes for lunch. There is a few minutes of break between the last two classes in the afternoon half to let the students walk to their next classroom.

    Upperclassmen: We don't really have "freshmen" or "upperclassmen". I'm not even entirely sure what that means. We only have Grade 8s, 9s, 10s, etc. No one bothers people they don't know. I've never seen it happen and we usually just go by with our lives. I have never actually seen anyone bully anyone, but that doesn't mean bad people don't exist. I know people in older grades and they're pretty awesome and chill. The hallways during breaks are pretty anoying though, as they tend to stand in the middle and block everyone's way.

    Friends: Be friendly and nice. Introduce yourself. That's all I can really give you. When I moved to a new school, I just looked for someone who was also new, and it went from there. I made other friends as I went along. Unless the desks are arranged in ones, you're mostly likely going to be sat in pairs or even pods. Talk to the person beside you.

    Semesters: Are semesters the same as terms? In my school, we have terms. Three terms in total: September to winter break; January to spring break; Middle of March to end of the year.

    Lunch: I have lunch from 11:45 am to 12:30 pm

    Seats: Classrooms will always have seats for its students. During the first day of school, we usually just sit wherever we want, as seating arrangements have not been made. Also, where I go, seating arrangements are pretty lax. A lot of my teachers let us sit with whoever we want as long as we're not disruptive.

    REMINDER: This is my experience. Schools are different across Canada. What I say may be a totally different thing in a school in Ontario.

    Have a great school year :)

    Source(s): Life.
  • 8 years ago

    You live in the Middle East coming to Canada, and a big concern is if you can chew bubble gum in class? Okay :)

    [lol, no hate given so chill]

    How is the education system in Canada?

    > Top rated worldwide.

    When does school start? When does it end?

    > Sept - June

    And in the first day will we have any classes or anything?

    > No

    I'm gonna be a freshman and in the middle east high school start after 10 grade and it's only two or three years so I was shocked when I knew I'm gonna be in high school.

    > Canada doesn't have 'high schools' we have primary, elementary and secondary schools, no 'freshmen' either.

    We don't have lockers so when I get a locker how can I recognize it and not mix it up with another locker?

    > they are numbered.

    When does a school day start?(8:00, 8:30 , 7:00, 7:30,????) And when does it end?(3:00, 3:30, 4:00,????)

    > Depends on your school schedule

    Are phones allowed?

    > No

    When will I get my schedule?

    > Between registering and before the school year starts.

    How much periods are in a regular school day? And in the first week or three day something like that ( in the first days).

    > Generally about 5-6

    is chewing gum allowed during class or in breaks?

    how long are this breaks? What are the subjects that we're going to study?

    > One hour for lunch, no you can't eat in class or chat on phone

    Are upperclassmen gonna be mean to us freshmen?

    > Nothing you won't live through

    How can I make friends there ?

    > Same way you make friends there.

    What if I couldn't find a seat? Where am I going to sit?

    > They'll give you one, lots of seats in Canada :)

  • 8 years ago

    Ok, I think I can help. (the a. means answer)

    1. How is the education system?

    1a. We have the highest rating.

    2. When does school start and when does it end

    2a. Where I live, it starts at 8 and ends at 2-2:40 (can't remember the exact time, but this is rounding)

    3. First day classes?

    3a. You'll have classes, but it's more of introducing yourself and knowing where things are

    4. Knew I was going to be in highschool

    4a. We do it by age, so if you're 14, you'll be going to highschool, yes we do call it highschool, atleast where I live, and we also call ourselves freshmen. But this may be just our school.

    5. Lockers?

    5a. You get a number and a unique lock, you should be fine

    6. Are phones allowed

    6a. You can bring phones, but no use them unless it's lunch

    7. Schedule?

    7a. You get it during summer, or near when school starts. I believe you have to pick it up.

    8. How many periods in a day?

    8a. 4, and another 4 in the next semester

    9. Chewing gum

    9a. No ones cares if you chew gum, but I don't think you're supposed to

    10. How long are the breaks, and what am I studying?

    10a. Each period is around an hour forty minutes. Lunch will be the same, and you'll, as a freshman, pretty much all the subjects you studied in gr. 8 primary school, etc. Math, Science, History, Gym, Geography, English, and depending on the type of school, Religion.

    11. Upperclassmen behaviour

    11a. I'm pretty sure that's is normal behaviour, but I don't think the Higher-ups care as much, provided you don't bother them

    12. How to make friends?

    12a. You make friends the same way you always do, we're not aliens

    13. Semesters

    13a. We used to have 3 semester, but now we have 2, so you should find that normal

    14. When is lunch

    14a. Lunch is whenever you get it on your schedule, either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th period. Hope for 3rd.

    15. What if I can't find a seat?

    15a. There should be the right amount of seats for you, so I don't think you need to bother with that

    Yeah, I'm going to highschool, and I've learnt alot from my cousin

    Source(s): My cousin, and own research
  • 8 years ago

    CANADA is a big country. EVERY SCHOOL does not have the same schedule. The school year starts in September and ends in June.

    The school day starts at YOUR school when it starts and ends when it ends.Sometime between 8:00 and 16:00


    At the start of school.

    YES chewing gum is allowed. No you do not stick it under your desk. Many teachers DO NOT APPROVE.

    Are there bullies? YES

    By being a friend.

    Most go two semesters

    In the middle of the day. The exact time varies from school to school.

    Then stand up, sit on the floor or wait patiently while a chair and desk are made available.

    A little detail in your question like WHERE in Canada would get a more direct answer.

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  • 8 years ago

    to many questions i would rather stay in the east if it were me,to freezing cold in Canada. brr

    Source(s): life
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